The Ongoing Debate: Realism in the Far Cry Series

Exploring the arguments for and against another Far Cry game akin to FC2
The Ongoing Debate: Realism in the Far Cry Series


  • Far Cry 2, released in 2008, introduced a highly-realistic open-world sandbox experience unlike any other at the time.
  • The game was built on the Dunia engine, offering state-of-the-art physics systems and visuals for a more grounded feel.
  • The prospect of a return to a realistic Far Cry game divides fans due to the challenging mechanics and risk involved.

Unveiled in 2004, the original Far Cry plunged players into a mysterious tropical island as a former US Spec Ops agent. This marked the debut of Crytek's innovative CryEngine, revolutionizing first-person shooters with its open-world exploration. Fast forward four years to the release of Far Cry 2, surpassing its predecessor in every aspect.

Arriving in 2008, Far Cry 2 set a new benchmark for FPS games, boasting a reactive and hyper-realistic open-world sandbox experience. Powered by the Dunia engine, an evolved CryEngine version, the game showcased cutting-edge physics and visuals for unparalleled immersion. While not universally embraced, Far Cry 2 undeniably stood out, sparking discussions about a potential revival in the series.

The Dual Nature of Realistic Far Cry Games

The Advocates for Realism in Far Cry

Advocates for a return to Far Cry's realistic origins argue for a refreshing departure from the franchise's stagnant formula. Since the advent of Far Cry 3 in 2012, the series has adhered to a familiar structure, featuring expansive open worlds where players aid locals, hunt wildlife, upgrade equipment, liberate outposts, and conquer adversaries. With a decade-long repetition, many fans crave novelty, viewing Far Cry 2's realism as a potential game-changer. Emphasizing advanced physics and graphics could elevate Far Cry back to its former glory as a leading AAA title. While increased realism might heighten the game's difficulty, overcoming these challenges could offer a fulfilling sense of accomplishment.

A realistic approach aligns well with rumored details about Far Cry 7, hinting at a narrative involving rescuing kidnapped family members within a time constraint. This gameplay style would intensify the stakes, infusing each battle with urgency and emotion, amplifying the players' investment in their mission.

The Skeptics of Realism in Far Cry

Despite calls for innovation, a segment of Far Cry enthusiasts remains content with the series' familiar conventions. With its straightforward gameplay loop, background-centric storytelling, and relatively easy combat, Far Cry serves as a comforting gaming experience for many. Introducing a more demanding, realistic version could alienate these fans accustomed to a more relaxed gaming atmosphere. Moreover, mechanics like disease management and weapon jamming from Far Cry 2, while immersive to some, were deemed tedious by others, potentially souring their return.