Exciting Rumor: Marvel's Powerful Character to Debut in Fantastic Four Reboot

Speculation suggests a significant Marvel character will make an appearance in the upcoming Fantastic Four movie.
Exciting Rumor: Marvel's Powerful Character to Debut in Fantastic Four Reboot


  • Franklin Richards, the offspring of Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman, is rumored to join the cast of the upcoming Fantastic Four reboot.
  • Known for his reality-manipulating abilities, Franklin Richards is considered one of the most potent entities in the Marvel universe.
  • Production for the film is scheduled to kick off in August, potentially featuring Franklin as an infant or young child.

The Fantastic Four is set to introduce Franklin Richards, the formidable child of Mister Fantastic and Invisible Woman. Marvel Studios' President, Kevin Feige, unveiled plans for The Fantastic Four reboot back at the 2019 San Diego Comic-Con on July 20, 2019.

Following a five-year wait since the announcement and with a release date looming, production is finally gearing up. Speculations hint at the inclusion of Reed Richards (Mister Fantastic) and Susan Storm's (Invisible Woman) eldest offspring in the highly anticipated movie.

Reports from @CanWeGetToast suggest that the film will showcase one of the franchise's most powerful characters - Franklin Richards. Franklin is one of the two children of Mister Fantastic and Invisible Woman, alongside their daughter, Valeria. Franklin's anticipated appearance in the film has generated excitement among fans due to his extraordinary abilities in the Marvel universe; capable of reality distortion, time manipulation, defying physics laws, and creating alternate dimensions. Given the age of the actors portraying the characters, Pedro Pascal as Reed and Vanessa Kirby as Susan, it's speculated that Franklin might be depicted as an infant or young child in the movie.

An insider has hinted that production for the reboot will commence in August, allowing ample time for the film's development, slated for release next year. Fans may also anticipate sneak peeks of costumes and plot details at the upcoming San Diego Comic-Con in July. As the production progresses, more leaks, including concept art, are expected to surface.

If the Fantastic Four MCU reboot showcases Franklin as a young child or infant, it aligns with his character, unlike other mutants who manifest powers during puberty. Franklin exhibited his abilities at a tender age, aiding The Fantastic Four in a battle against the Frightful Four, led by the formidable Wizard. Franklin's inherited powers from his parents, who developed abilities post-exposure to cosmic radiation. Reed acquired elasticity and shape-shifting prowess, transforming into Mister Fantastic, while Susan mastered invisibility, earning her the alias Invisible Woman. The fusion of their mutated genes birthed an even mightier being - their offspring, Franklin Richards.

A remarkable facet of Franklin's power is his mastery over reality manipulation and time alteration. Capable of cosmic-scale matter and energy manipulation, reality reshaping, interdimensional travel, and universe creation, his abilities transcend mere manipulation. Possessing psionic powers, Franklin can generate or erase objects at will, reshape reality effortlessly, and even challenge the fabric of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. His sheer might surpasses that of Superman, making a full-powered Franklin Richards an unbeatable force. Witnessing a portrayal of infant Franklin in The Fantastic Four promises to be a delight for fans.

The Fantastic Four is slated for release on July 25, 2025.

Source: CanWeGetToast/Twitter