How Fans Keep Abandoned Games Alive

Discover how passionate fans breathe new life into abandoned games, ensuring their favorite titles remain vibrant and engaging long after developers have moved on.
How Fans Keep Abandoned Games Alive


  • Passionate fans revitalize abandoned games through mods, remasters, and fan-based servers.
  • Games like DOOM and Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) continue to evolve with new mods, maintaining enduring popularity.
  • Community-driven projects like Toontown Rewritten and City of Heroes: Homecoming demonstrate fans' ability to sustain and enhance their beloved games.

Games often face abandonment by their developers due to various reasons like expiring licenses or focusing on sequels. This is a common cycle in the gaming industry, leaving many titles as mere memories rather than active experiences.

Yet, there's a remarkable trend where dedicated fans refuse to let their cherished games fade away. They work tirelessly to uphold both the games and their communities, preserving the essence of what made these games great and ensuring their availability for new fans to enjoy.

10 Doom

The OG Doomguy Refuses To Die

The iconic first-person shooter DOOM has stood the test of time, being re-released across numerous platforms and even embedded in other games, maintaining its enduring popularity.

With a devoted fan base, DOOM has inspired a meme where enthusiasts attempt to run the game on various devices, from calculators to smart fridges. The continuous creation and release of extensive mods, some surpassing the original game in scale, showcase the community's dedication.

9 Sonic The Hedgehog (2006)

A Critical Failure That Fans Still Fell In Love With

Sonic the Hedgehog received criticism from both critics and fans, but a group of devoted developers continues to work on it purely out of love for the franchise.

Recognizing its potential, a team of fans created Project 06, a complete overhaul of the original game that not only fixed its flaws but also significantly expanded its content. This initiative exemplifies how a community can rally around a game's concept rather than its initial execution.

8 Lord Of The Rings: Battle For Middle Earth

A Well-Liked RTS That Tolkien Fans Continue To Patch

The acclaimed Battle For Middle-Earth series, based on The Lord of the Rings, attracted a substantial fan base with its diverse factions and gameplay mechanics inspired by the movies and books.

Despite the official servers' closure and unavailability of the games, the community thrives. Fans not only release patches and maintain online servers but also develop mods so extensive that they could be considered standalone sequels.