Overlooked Gems: 7 Underrated Characters from the Fallout Series

Exploring the lesser-known but remarkable characters in the Fallout universe, who often remain in the shadow of more prominent figures.
Overlooked Gems: 7 Underrated Characters from the Fallout Series


  • Easy Pete in Fallout: New Vegas provides dynamite and NCR insights, enriching the game's early stages.
  • Preston Garvey's compelling backstory in Fallout 4 unveils his dedication to aiding settlements, despite being eclipsed by others.
  • Randall Clark's inspiring survival saga in Fallout: New Vegas deserves more recognition among players.

Embarking on a journey in a Fallout game introduces players to a myriad of characters, ranging from friends to foes. While the series boasts numerous fan-favorite characters that have left a lasting impact, there are some hidden gems that often go unnoticed or unappreciated. These individuals, though well-crafted and pivotal to the narrative, remain underrated, rarely entering fan discussions.

7 Easy Pete

Unveiling the Depths of Easy Pete in Fallout: New Vegas

Doc Mitchell's patch-up in Fallout: New Vegas sets players on a path where they encounter various characters in Goodsprings. Amidst them, Easy Pete stands out by offering dynamite and insights into the NCR, adding layers to the game's early stages.

While Easy Pete may seem like a typical NPC at first glance, he surprises players with his knowledge about the NCR, injecting a sense of liveliness into Goodsprings. Despite his brief appearance, his laid-back demeanor makes interactions enjoyable.

6 Pete

Meet Pete: A Clever and Witty Youth

Encountering the Boomers in Fallout: New Vegas might initially evoke negative feelings, especially after their missile greeting. However, amidst this group lies Pete, a young and intelligent individual known as the 'Keeper of the Story.'

Pete's promotion to this role following a tragedy showcases his loyalty, wit, and knowledge, making him a standout character within the group and deserving of recognition.

5 Preston Garvey

Unveiling Garvey's Desire to Aid Settlements in Fallout 4

Preston Garvey's altruistic nature in Fallout 4 often pales in comparison to other companions like Nick Valentine or Strong. However, delving into his backstory reveals a survivor of the Quincy Massacre, shedding light on his protective instincts.

Learning about Garvey's past adds depth to his character, making his quests more meaningful, and his companion perk, United We Stand, enhances gameplay with increased damage resistance.