Mastering Vault Management: Removing Rooms in Fallout Shelter

Learn the essential steps to efficiently eliminate rooms in your vault in Fallout Shelter.
Mastering Vault Management: Removing Rooms in Fallout Shelter


  • Understand the importance of room management in Fallout Shelter
  • Follow a step-by-step guide to delete or relocate rooms in the game
  • Learn about the conditions that need to be met before removing rooms

Fallout Shelter offers players the chance to construct and oversee their own underground haven. Beyond merely constructing rooms, players must grasp the intricacies of managing their vault effectively. As your population grows, the need for expansion becomes inevitable. However, knowing how to relocate or eliminate rooms is crucial, and this guide will show you how it's done.

If you've been inspired to create your vault after watching the Fallout TV series, be prepared for a time-consuming endeavor. To navigate this gameplay successfully, understanding how to delete or relocate rooms within Fallout Shelter is essential. This knowledge not only saves time but also conserves Caps. Here's how you can accomplish this task.

A Guide to Removing Rooms in Fallout Shelter

To begin, select the room you wish to delete. This action will reveal a menu at the bottom, displaying options to upgrade or destroy the room, as depicted in the image above. Click or tap on the arrow to proceed with either upgrading or removing the room from your vault in Fallout Shelter.

Criteria for Deleting Rooms in Your Vault

Two conditions must be satisfied before you can eliminate rooms in Fallout Shelter. Firstly, ensure the room is vacant. If any dwellers (including pets) are present, reassign them to other locations before proceeding.

Secondly, the room should not be interconnected with another room on the same floor. You'll need to demolish all connecting rooms on both sides before deleting the central room. Note that this rule excludes the elevator. While upper or lower floor rooms are exempt, the cost of rebuilding a single room in Fallout Shelter can be substantial.