Maximizing Your Vault Rating in Fallout Shelter

Learn how to enhance your Vault's performance and increase your Dwellers' happiness.
Maximizing Your Vault Rating in Fallout Shelter


  • Understand the Fallout Shelter Vault Rating System
  • Strategies to Improve Vault Rating
  • Effective Ways to Boost Dweller Happiness

In the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout Shelter, players face the challenging task of managing a Vault to ensure the well-being and happiness of its inhabitants. To attract more Dwellers and expand the population, players must focus on enhancing their Vault's rating.

The Vault Rating system in the game offers insights into the overall happiness and success of the Vault. By following specific strategies, players can significantly increase their Vault's rating and reap various rewards. Here's how you can optimize your Vault's performance.

Understanding the Mechanism of the Vault Rating System

Vault Ratings are daily assessments based on the collective happiness of all Dwellers in the Vault. The happier the Dwellers, the higher the rating and the better the daily rewards, including more CAPS. Additionally, weekly achievements can earn players valuable Lunchboxes as a token of their dedication to maintaining a thriving Vault.

Strategies to Enhance Your Vault Rating

Elevating your Vault's rating revolves around boosting the happiness levels of your Dwellers. Monitoring each Dweller's emotional state is crucial; a green face indicates happiness, yellow signals neutrality, and red signifies sadness. Implement the following tactics to enhance Dweller happiness effectively.

  • Assign Dwellers to roles that match their highest SPECIAL stats for optimal performance.
  • Ensure all Dwellers maintain full health within the Vault premises at all times.
  • Promptly address radiation issues by administering RadAway to affected Dwellers.
  • Engage with unhappy Dwellers to identify and resolve the reasons behind their discontent.
  • Maintain adequate power, food, and water supplies to prevent a decline in Dweller happiness levels.
  • Encourage reproduction by pairing Dwellers in Living Quarters to boost happiness levels.
  • Explore available mods that can aid in monitoring and enhancing Dweller happiness.