Mastering Fallout Shelter: Essential Stats for Wasteland Survival

Equip your dwellers with the best stats to ensure their survival during wasteland expeditions in Fallout Shelter.
Mastering Fallout Shelter: Essential Stats for Wasteland Survival


  • Strength, Perception, and Endurance are crucial for thriving in the wasteland.
  • Agility and Luck significantly impact dwellers' survivability and loot finding abilities.
  • Intelligence, Charisma, and other stats play supporting roles in exploration success.

Fallout Shelter is a popular cross-platform game inspired by the Fallout series. Initially launched as a free-to-play title in 2015, it has evolved into a thriving live service game with a dedicated fan base.

In Fallout Shelter, a key aspect of gameplay involves dispatching dwellers to scavenge the wasteland. Before venturing out, these dwellers must be adequately leveled up and equipped with the right stats to enhance their chances of survival.

7 Strength

Enhancing Carry Capacity and Combat Skills

  • Room Bonuses: Power Generator, Nuclear Reactor, Weapon Workshop
  • Vault Effects: None
  • Exploration Effects: Improved locker opening chances
  • Quest Effects: None

Strength is vital for wasteland-bound dwellers as it influences their carrying capacity and combat effectiveness. Training a dweller's Strength in the Weight Room is essential before sending them out.

A dweller's Strength directly affects their carrying ability and damage output. Additionally, it accelerates Power production within the Shelter. Having high-Strength characters dedicated to exploration and resource provision is beneficial.

6 Perception

Improving Combat Prowess and Loot Discovery

  • Room Bonuses: Water Treatment, Water Purification, Weapon Workshops
  • Vault Effects: None
  • Exploration Effects: Enhanced loot discovery
  • Quest Effects: Improved critical hit marker

Perception and Strength are pivotal for a dweller's combat proficiency. While Strength affects damage, Perception boosts critical hits. Training Perception in the Armory before sending dwellers out enhances their combat skills and loot findings.

Higher Perception increases the chances of discovering valuable loot such as weapons, outfits, and recipes during exploration.

5 Endurance

Boosting Health and Sustainability

  • Room Bonuses: Nuka-Cola Bottler, Weapon Workshops
  • Vault Effects: Increased hit points on leveling up
  • Exploration Effects: Rad resistance, higher HP, legendary junk
  • Quest Effects: Additional HP

Endurance in Fallout Shelter mirrors its importance in other Fallout titles. It directly correlates with a dweller's total HP and the extra HP gained per level up. Higher Endurance offers more HP per level and boosts radiation resistance and legendary junk discovery during exploration.

A blend of Strength, Perception, and Endurance significantly enhances a dweller's chances of surviving and thriving in the wasteland.