Maximizing Efficiency: Room Layout Optimization in Fallout Shelter

Learn how merging rooms in Fallout Shelter can enhance Dweller capacity and streamline your Vault's layout.
Maximizing Efficiency: Room Layout Optimization in Fallout Shelter


  • Merge rooms to increase Dweller capacity in Fallout Shelter
  • Optimize room layout for efficiency and aesthetics
  • Enhance navigation and gameplay experience through strategic room merging

As you progress in Fallout Shelter, expanding your Vault becomes crucial. Unlock various room types providing essential resources like power, water, and food for your Dwellers' survival.

While most rooms occupy limited space, merging them can double their size. Customizing your Vault layout may prompt you to merge rooms for aesthetics or better navigation, making room merging a valuable skill to master.

Room Merging Technique

Expanding rooms by merging is a straightforward process. To merge rooms in Fallout Shelter, construct two identical rooms adjacent horizontally. This action automatically merges them into a double-sized room, allowing more Dwellers to be assigned.

To create a double room, ensure both rooms are on the same level. If not, upgrade one to match the other's level. For instance, two level 1 Living Quarters won't merge unless both are at level 2.

To further expand space, transform double rooms into triple rooms by adding another identical room on each side. Each room upgrade accommodates more Dwellers:

  • Single rooms: 2 Dwellers
  • Double rooms: 4 Dwellers
  • Triple rooms: 6 Dwellers

With three room slots per level beside the elevator, placing same-type rooms together allows for double triple room setups. This layout enhances navigation within your Vault, aids in efficient planning, and adds to the overall aesthetics. Experiment with room merging to optimize your gameplay experience in Fallout Shelter.