Fallout Shelter Guide: Boosting Your Vault Population

Interested in growing your Fallout Shelter community? Learn the secrets to expanding your population through strategic baby-making techniques.
Fallout Shelter Guide: Boosting Your Vault Population


  • Understand the importance of increasing your vault population in Fallout Shelter
  • Learn how to efficiently make dwellers pregnant in the game
  • Discover tips for getting legendary babies in Fallout Shelter

Surviving in Fallout Shelter requires more than just building rooms - you need dwellers to fill them. Playing matchmaker to help your dwellers find love is crucial for boosting your population.

Pair up dwellers in your vault to initiate the baby-making process. Legendary babies can be born if high-level parents are matched. Here's how to breed and ensure your vault thrives in Fallout Shelter.

Mastering Dweller Pregnancy

Every vault starts with a Living Room where dwellers can breed. Assign a male and female dweller to the Living Quarters to start the baby-making process. Dwellers with higher Charisma will conceive faster.

Ensure dwellers are not related to prevent incestuous breeding. Consider renaming babies for better organization in large vaults.

Facilitating Baby Deliveries

After impregnation, wait 3 hours for the dweller to give birth. Make sure there's space in the Living Quarters for the new arrival. Babies take an additional 3 hours to grow into adults.

Securing Legendary Offspring

Babies inherit parents' top SPECIAL stats, making parent selection crucial. Mate high-level dwellers with maxed-out SPECIALs for a chance at legendary babies. Luck plays a role in this process.

There's a 6% chance of getting a legendary baby with fully maxed parents. Farming bottle caps is essential for growing your vault and optimizing dweller stats.