Fallout: New Vegas - Ways to Access The Strip

Discover the various methods to enter The Strip in Fallout: New Vegas and advance in the game.
Fallout: New Vegas - Ways to Access The Strip


  • Learn the different ways to gain access to The Strip in Fallout: New Vegas
  • Explore strategies involving wealth, hacking, passports, NCR, and brute force
  • Unlock new possibilities to progress in the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout

Fallout: New Vegas' expansive post-apocalyptic setting boasts numerous intriguing locations, with The Strip being a standout area. Gaining entry into this district is pivotal for players looking to advance in the game. Here, we delve into the diverse methods available to access The Strip in Fallout: New Vegas.

Exploring Access Routes to The Strip in Fallout New Vegas

The Strip serves as a crucial hub, essential for game progression. However, entry is restricted by Securitrons who demand proof of wealth before granting access. Various approaches can be taken to infiltrate this exclusive district.

The Official Route

Securitrons bar entry to those lacking financial means. To pass this checkpoint, players must amass 2,000 Caps to demonstrate their financial status.

The Hacker's Path

Characters with a Science skill of 80 can attempt to hack a greeter, enabling entry without meeting the wealth requirement. This option appeals to tech-savvy players but is exclusive to characters with a high Science skill.

The Passport Approach

Access is granted with a New Vegas passport. Obtain this item through:

  • Visiting Mick & Ralph's shop in Freeside to purchase a fake passport for 500 Caps with 50 Speech, or for 375 Caps with 50 Barter.
  • Completing the G.I. Blues side quest for The King to receive a complimentary fake passport from Ralph.

The NCR Connection

Utilize the monorail between the Strip and Camp McCarran by meeting certain criteria:

  • Attain a Liked reputation with NCR.
  • Wear NCR armor.
  • Travel with Craig Boone from Novac.

Eliminating NPCs barring entry can also prevent NCR hostility.

The Direct Approach

Ultimately, players can engage in combat with Securitrons to force entry. However, this aggressive tactic results in a criminal status and hostile encounters with other Securitrons within The Strip.

Accessing The Strip is a pivotal gameplay element, propelling players forward in the immersive post-apocalyptic world of Fallout: New Vegas.