Unlocking the Secrets of Nellis Air Force Base in Fallout: New Vegas

Discover the strategies to gain entry into the heavily fortified Nellis Air Force Base inhabited by the Boomers tribe in Fallout: New Vegas.
Unlocking the Secrets of Nellis Air Force Base in Fallout: New Vegas


  • Understand the Challenges of Accessing Nellis Air Force Base
  • Strategies to Infiltrate the Base Safely
  • Alternative Routes to Reach the Base

Exploring the vast world of Fallout: New Vegas unveils various hidden locations that pose unique challenges. Nellis Air Force Base stands as the stronghold of the Boomers tribe, notorious for their isolationist policies and formidable defenses. Breaking into this base requires cunning strategies and careful planning. Here's a guide to help you navigate your way into Nellis Air Force Base in Fallout: New Vegas.

Understanding the Challenges of Accessing Nellis Air Force Base

Nellis Air Force Base is home to the Boomers tribe, a group known for their heavily fortified base and superior firepower. The biggest obstacle for outsiders is the howitzer team that rains down artillery fire on intruders, making direct assaults futile.

The key to accessing the base lies in outsmarting the defenders and surviving the relentless bombardment that guards the entrance.

Strategies to Infiltrate the Base Safely

Choosing the Right Timing

Your first option involves a meeting with George, a prospector near the base's entrance. By paying him 300 Caps, you receive crucial artillery timing details that can help you evade the bombardment. Follow these steps to enter Nellis Air Force Base:

  • Seek refuge behind the remaining walls of a bombarded town to shield yourself from artillery.
  • Use healing items like Stimpaks and Med-X to enhance your survivability.
  • When the shelling pauses, move swiftly towards the base's fence, taking cover as needed.
  • Stay close to the fence to cease the bombardment and safely approach the base's gate.

A Dangerous Tunnel

An alternate route involves locating an old train tunnel between Raul's Shack and Brotherhood of Steel Safehouse. Overcome obstacles like ghouls and Frag mines while navigating this treacherous passage. After emerging from the tunnel, head right to reach the base's entrance.

These covert methods provide you with a chance to outwit the Boomers and gain access to the secrets hidden within Nellis Air Force Base.