Mastering Fallout New Vegas DLC: Best Starting Points & Levels

Exploring the diverse world of Fallout: New Vegas DLCs with optimal start locations and recommended levels.
Mastering Fallout New Vegas DLC: Best Starting Points & Levels


  • Discover four engaging story DLC expansions in Fallout: New Vegas.
  • Uncover unique stories and characters in each DLC with varying level requirements.
  • Navigate the Mojave Wasteland to find the perfect starting point for your DLC adventure.

Unleash the full potential of Fallout New Vegas by diving into its captivating DLC content that elevates this post-apocalyptic RPG to new heights. Delve into new perks, skills, items, and extensive additional content automatically integrated into the game's ultimate edition. However, to embark on these thrilling DLC experiences, you must first locate their optimal start locations.

Embark on an adventure across four story-driven DLCs for New Vegas: Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, Dead Money, and Lonesome Road. Each DLC offers a distinct recommended starting level and a unique setting where the Courier's journey unfolds, taking players to fascinating locations beyond the Mojave.

4 Honest Hearts

Recommended Level: 10

Journey from the Mojave Wasteland to Utah's Zion National Park in the Honest Hearts DLC. This expansion kicks off with a thrilling ambush, forcing players to navigate their way back to familiar territory.

Explore intriguing expansions to the game's lore within Honest Hearts, featuring captivating elements from drug-induced rituals to a former right-hand man of Caesar. This DLC promises an early and immersive experience for players.

To initiate the Honest Hearts DLC in Fallout New Vegas, head northeast from the Westside West Entrance, following the road that stretches across the north side of New Vegas. Locate the Northern Passage cave nestled in the hills along this road to commence your adventure. Alternatively, track the "Happy Trails Expedition" quest on your Pip-Boy to kickstart the DLC journey.

3 Old World Blues

Recommended Level: 15

Transport to the Big Empty, a detached scientific paradise in Old World Blues, where the Courier encounters the enigmatic Think Tank. Engage in a quest to retrieve your stolen brain, amidst a backdrop of eccentric scientific escapades.

Delve into the eccentricities of Old World Blues, featuring robot scorpions, a peculiar Mutant grandmother, and the surreal task of convincing your own brain to reunite with your body. This DLC offers a memorable and science-infused journey for players.

To commence the Old World Blues DLC in Fallout New Vegas, locate the abandoned Mojave Drive-In theater southeast of Nelson. Interact with the projector at night, displaying an eye reel on the screen, to venture into this peculiar scientific realm. Alternatively, monitor the "Midnight Science Fiction Feature" quest on your Pip-Boy to initiate the DLC narrative.

2 Dead Money

Recommended Level: 20

Embark on the Dead Money journey to the opulent ruins of Sierra Madre Casino, rumored to hold a valuable treasure beneath its decaying facade. Despite being considered the weakest DLC, Dead Money introduces unique characters, compelling narratives, and valuable additions to enrich your gameplay.

Traverse the Mojave Wasteland to the Abandoned Brotherhood of Steel Bunker northeast of Nelson, the starting point for the Dead Money DLC in Fallout New Vegas. Unravel the mysteries of Sierra Madre by embarking on the quest "Sierra Madre Grand Opening" or tracking it through your Pip-Boy to embark on this captivating adventure.

1 Lonesome Road

Recommended Level: 25

Conclude the Courier's tale in the acclaimed Lonesome Road DLC, revealing the protagonist's impactful journey that predates their fateful encounter with Benny. Navigate the treacherous terrain of The Divide, fraught with perils and the looming presence of nuclear devastation.

Embark on the challenging Lonesome Road DLC by starting from Primm and venturing west into the hills to reach the Canyon Wreckage location. Prepare to face the trials of "The Reunion" quest or track the starting point through your Pip-Boy to engage in this epic narrative before the game's climactic finale.