Fallout Enthusiasts Speculate on a New Vegas Character Retcon

Fans theorize a character from the Fallout TV series might have inspired a character in Fallout: New Vegas.
Fallout Enthusiasts Speculate on a New Vegas Character Retcon


  • Fans speculate on a potential link between a character in the Fallout TV show and a character in Fallout: New Vegas.
  • The timeline differences between the show and the game add complexity to this theory.
  • Possible connections between characters in the show's flashbacks and future events in the Fallout universe intrigue fans.

Enthusiasts of Fallout New Vegas who are following the Fallout TV series on Amazon Prime have come up with an intriguing hypothesis that could bridge the gap between the game and the show. Despite the game's release in 2010 and the show in 2024, these fans believe that a character from the show might have subtly appeared in Fallout New Vegas, perhaps unintentionally.

In the Fallout series timeline, the events depicted in the TV show represent the latest lore introduced. Set mainly in 2296, with occasional flashbacks to the pre-apocalyptic era of October 23, 2077, the show's narrative contrasts with the game timeline. The most recent game, Fallout 4, unfolds in 2287, while New Vegas is set in 2281.

The character causing speculation among fans is Victor, the Securitron robot tasked by New Vegas key figure Mr. House with rescuing the Courier from their grave. Unlike other Securitrons with police officer-like displays, Victor sports a cheerful cowboy persona, reminiscent of Cooper Howard portrayed by Walter Goggins in the TV show. Fans draw parallels between Howard's pre-war cowboy actor role and Victor's appearance, sparking theories of a potential connection between the two characters.

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Fans doubt that the creators at Obsidian Entertainment intentionally designed a character from a future show to represent a significant character in New Vegas. However, there's speculation that Bethesda might retcon the story to align the two characters as both the Fallout franchise and the TV show gain popularity.

If proven true, the inspiration for Victor's appearance and voice being rooted in Howard wouldn't be the sole instance of characters transitioning from the show's past to the game's future. For instance, when Lucy, the show's protagonist, encounters Mr. Handy named Snip Snip, voiced by Matt Berry, who attempts a grim procedure. In a flashback, Cooper converses with Sebastian Leslie, played by Berry, hinting at a possible connection waiting to be uncovered as the Fallout series potentially ventures into New Vegas territory in its upcoming season.