Top 7 Creepiest Characters in the Fallout Universe

Exploring the dark and eerie side of the Fallout series through its unsettling characters.
Top 7 Creepiest Characters in the Fallout Universe


  • Encounter a diverse array of unsettling characters in the Fallout games.
  • Delve into the twisted minds and motivations of these dark personas.
  • Witness how these disturbing characters shape the narratives in surprising ways.

Fallout immerses players in a world teeming with eccentric and bizarre personalities waiting to be discovered and engaged with in various intriguing ways. The series' allure lies in the ability to impact these characters, often leading to significant storyline alterations. A prime instance of this is the plethora of companion quests culminating in unique ending slides in Fallout: New Vegas.

However, not every character exudes positivity and brightness. Some individuals across the Fallout universe exhibit dark and twisted traits, even if not overtly malevolent. Interacting with these characters unveils their motivations, shedding light on what makes them so unsettling. Understanding them can profoundly influence the narrative's direction, adding layers of complexity to the storytelling. Here are some examples of such chilling characters within the Fallout franchise.

7 The Master

Fallout (1997)

Considered one of the most disturbing figures in Fallout, The Master's appearance is deeply unsettling, with a fusion of flesh and machinery, and a distorted anatomy. His voice shifts unpredictably between his own, a robotic tone, and even a woman's voice.

Having forsaken his humanity long ago, The Master embodies a grotesque aspiration to usher in a new era where only beings meeting his warped ideals of perfection would survive.

6 President Dick Richardson

Fallout 2 (1998)

While Fallout 2 embraces absurdity, President Richardson stands out as a chilling character. Unlike The Master, Richardson is cold, detached, and fixated on resurrecting the old world instead of forging a new one.

His nonchalant approach to global genocide, delivered with bureaucratic precision, underscores the truly disturbing nature of his character. He serves as a stark reminder that the most unsettling villains are often those grounded in stark reality.

5 Dr. Stanislaus Braun

Fallout 3 (2008)

Tranquility Lane in Fallout 3 introduces players to the unhinged and omnipotent Dr. Stanislaus Braun, masquerading as a child and coercing players into heinous acts against Vault 112 residents.

Braun's twisted nature is evident in his childlike facade coupled with his malevolent commands, offering players the option to defy him, albeit with perilous consequences.

4 Jaime Palabras

Fallout 3 (2008)

Within the eerie Dunwich building of Fallout 3 resides Jaime, an unhinged ghoul engrossed in worship and sermons before a sinister talking obelisk in the caverns beneath. His descent into madness, chronicled through holotapes and terminals, hints at a supernatural presence, amplifying the horror.

The eerie delivery of Jaime's narrative, intertwined with occult undertones, heightens the chilling ambiance of his tale.

3 Dog/God

Fallout: New Vegas (2010)

Encounter Dog and God, the dual personas of a nightkin super mutant in Fallout: New Vegas' chilling Dead Money DLC. Dog/God's alternating personalities, reflecting slavish obedience and sinister control, exemplify the psychological toll of stealthboy usage on nightkin.

Players must navigate these conflicting personas to determine Dog/God's fate, showcasing the intricate character dynamics at play.

2 The Think Tank

Fallout: New Vegas (2010)

Initially portrayed as quirky scientists in Old World Blues, the Think Tank's descent into madness unveils the peril they pose to the wasteland. Stripped of their humanity by Dr. Mobius, these once-brilliant minds now seek to subjugate others to their whims, blurring ethical boundaries.

Conversations with these deranged scientists offer insights into their warped ideologies and the extent of their descent into lunacy, underscoring the threat they pose.

1 Pickman

Fallout 4 (2015)

Continuing Bethesda's tradition of honoring H.P Lovecraft, Fallout 4 introduces Pickman, reminiscent of