Uncovering Pre-War Food in Fallout 76

Discovering the treasure trove of pre-war food can be a game-changer in Fallout 76. Here's a guide on where to unearth these well-preserved meals.
Uncovering Pre-War Food in Fallout 76


  • Pre-war food offers a healthy and low-radiation sustenance option for players in Fallout 76.
  • Various locations like abandoned farms and industrial sites hide precious caches of pre-war food.
  • Claiming ownership of food workshops can provide a sustainable source of pre-war meals in the game.

Surviving in the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout 76 demands a keen eye for securing essential supplies, especially food. Among the most coveted food sources are pre-war delicacies that offer decent health benefits without excessive radiation exposure.

Pre-war food comes in diverse forms and ranks as some of the finest consumables available in Fallout 76. To assist players in their quest for these culinary treasures, here are key locations where pre-war food can be scavenged.

Unveiling Pre-War Food Hotspots in Fallout 76

Exploring the wasteland may lead players to stumble upon caches of pre-war food tucked away in the kitchens of houses, diners, and restaurants. Scour shelves, cupboards, and tables for these well-preserved meals.

Pre-war food encompasses branded items like BlamCo Mac & Cheese, Cram, Dandy Boy Apples, and InstaMash. These non-perishable goods are further enhanced by the Thru-Hiker perk, a vital tool for inventory management in Fallout 76. Below are specific locations where pre-war food can be found.

Discovering Cobbleton Farm

Situated on the border of Toxic Valley and the Forest, Cobbleton Farm lies northwest of the Tyler Country Fairgrounds. Inside the farmstead, players can uncover boxes of processed foods like Vegetarian Ham and canned coffee, alongside a variety of canned and boxed food items.

Despite the presence of minor enemies like Feral Ghouls, Cobbleton Farm is relatively safe for exploration.

Navigating Sunshine Meadows Industrial Farm

Located in the Forest region west of Flatwoods, Sunshine Meadows Industrial Farm stands as a prominent workshop in Fallout 76. This site houses a food packaging factory that continuously generates food when powered, offering a sustainable food source. However, ownership challenges may arise if another player claims the workshop.

To secure Sunshine Meadows, players must complete a brief quest to clear and claim the workshop. In the event of hostile NPC attacks, defending the farm becomes crucial to retaining control.