Discovering Mirelurks in Fallout 76

Unravel the mystery of Mirelurks in Fallout 76 and explore prime locations for encountering these formidable creatures.
Discovering Mirelurks in Fallout 76


  • Locate various Mirelurk hotspots in Fallout 76
  • Uncover the benefits of engaging with Mirelurks
  • Learn how to tame Mirelurks for your camp in Fallout 76

Despite their intimidating appearance, Mirelurks in Fallout 76 can be valuable allies. Players have the opportunity to tame them and incorporate them into their C.A.M.P. defenses. With their frequent presence in the game, farming these creatures and their resources becomes convenient.

Whether you seek camaraderie with Mirelurks or desire their meat and eggs, several locations in the game teem with these creatures. Here are the top spots to encounter Mirelurks effortlessly.

Exploring Mirelurk Havens in Fallout 76

While Mirelurks populate various locations in Fallout 76, akin to Sentry Bots or Assaultrons, certain areas stand out for their concentration of Mirelurk activity. These spots may feature a Mirelurk Queen and occasionally eggs.

To expedite your Mirelurk farming endeavors, here are the prime locations to spot them and the diverse Mirelurk variants you may encounter. Some locations are beginner-friendly and lie closer to Vault 76.

Mirelurk Spot #1: Ohio River Adventures

Located near the river on the western side of the map, this area harbors a group of Mirelurks along the riverbank, accompanied by human foes.

Mirelurk Spot #2: Spruce Knob Lake

Situated in the southern map region just south of the prominent green Spruce Knob, this area boasts numerous Mirelurks, including Softshell and Diseased variants.

Mirelurk Spot #3: Highland Marsh

Hosting the highest Mirelurk density on the map, this locale features a Mirelurk Queen, Softshell and Steelshell Mirelurks, and abundant eggs for hatchlings. Highland Marsh lies at the map's extreme top, east of Vault 94.

Mirelurk Spot #4: Toxic Dried Lakebed

Located northeast of Vault 76, adjacent to Wavy Willard's Water Park and directly north of Clarksburg, this area offers a plethora of Mirelurks to confront, including a Mirelurk Queen.

Mirelurk Spot #5: Big Bend Tunnel

Found in the southeastern map zone near AMS Corporate Headquarters, this site houses a Mirelurk family outside the tunnel. Head northeast to Quarry X3 (marked by 2 on the map) for additional Mirelurks.

Utilizing Mirelurks in Fallout 76

Mirelurks offer various benefits, including:

  • Mirelurk Meat
  • Caps
  • Ammunition
  • Eggs

Defeating Mirelurks yields meat, with some variants like the Mirelurk Queen dropping additional items such as Marine Underarmor, Stimpaks, and Gears. Moreover, players can opt to tame a Mirelurk for their camp by acquiring the Animal Friend perk card from the Charisma category. With this card equipped, players can attempt to tame solitary creatures encountered by aiming at them, but group encounters are ineligible for taming.