Fallout 76 Silver Hunting Guide

Discover the essential locations and methods to gather silver, a vital resource for weapon and armor mods in Fallout 76.
Fallout 76 Silver Hunting Guide


  • Learn where to find silver for weapon and armor mods.
  • Explore popular silver farming locations in Fallout 76.
  • Uncover tips for efficiently collecting silver ore in the game.

In Fallout 76, silver plays a crucial role as a key component for various weapon and armor modifications. Acquiring ample amounts of silver becomes imperative for players, especially as they progress to the late stages of the game, where more mod blueprints become accessible.

Similar to the hunt for Lead in Fallout 76, gathering silver can be streamlined with the right knowledge of where to look and what to do. This guide highlights some well-known silver farming spots to assist players in stocking up on this essential resource.

Where to Hunt for Silver in Fallout 76

Players can obtain silver by scrapping items or smelting silver ore at a Chemistry Station. To find scrappable items that yield silver, scour dining areas for plates, forks, bowls, knives, and spoons.

A prime location for acquiring silver junk items is the Whitesprings Golf Club, situated adjacent to the resort. This area boasts a high concentration of Feral Ghouls in Fallout 76 — these ghouls often carry random junk, including items convertible to silver. Keep an eye out for silver items in the club's vicinity. Exercise caution, as there's a possibility of encountering a Wendigo inside the golf club.

In case ghouls are scarce, head into the Whitesprings Mall. Visit the Aura store and engage with Helena, who typically sells a variety of silver items.

Locating Silver Ore Deposits

For those preferring to mine silver ore rather than scavenge junk, the Wendigo Cave in the Savage Divide is a top choice. This cave harbors numerous silver veins. To maximize the yield from each vein, equip Fallout 76's Excavator Power Armor, which grants a fourfold bonus to mined ore.

The Wendigo Cave is also home to Feral Ghouls that may drop silver, as well as Mirelurks, including King Mirelurks. Beware of potential encounters with Wendigos and ensure you're well-equipped for such challenges.

Exploring the Wendigo Cave can be highly rewarding, especially for players seeking Brain Fungus in Fallout 76. The cave abounds with glowing mushrooms, offering a rich resource for those in need.