Fallout 76: Ranking the 10 Weakest Perks

Exploring the least effective and niche perks in Fallout 76, from Awareness to Homebody.
Fallout 76: Ranking the 10 Weakest Perks


  • Certain perks in Fallout 76 offer limited benefits compared to more practical alternatives.
  • Players are advised to focus on perks that enhance damage output or provide significant advantages.
  • While unique perks like Quack Surgeon and Wrecking Ball have niche applications, they are not ideal for most character builds.

Delving into the realm of Fallout 76, players encounter a plethora of perks to choose from. The selection process often hinges on individual playstyles and preferences for specific weapon types such as automatics. However, amidst the array of options, some perks stand out as less appealing due to their niche or lackluster effects compared to more robust alternatives.

While each of the featured perks serves a purpose in certain scenarios, they rarely earn a spot in a player's primary loadout. With the game's release dating back to 2018, players have had ample time to experiment with various builds. So, which perks fall short in terms of utility and skill point investment? Let's uncover the perks that may not be worth the allocation.

10 Awareness

Effect: Reveals a Target's Damage Resistances in V.A.T.S.

Despite its niche utility in Fallout 76, Awareness offers redundant information since seasoned players are typically aware of enemy resistances. Moreover, this perk consumes two SPECIAL points, making it a costly choice compared to other more beneficial perks like weapon damage enhancements.

Given its limited practicality, Awareness often finds itself on the bench, as utilizing it requires frequent swapping, which proves time-consuming in regular gameplay.

9 Portable Power

Effect: Reduces Weight of Power Armor Pieces and Chassis by Up to 75%

While Portable Power offers some utility, particularly for players managing excess gear, its relevance diminishes outside scenarios like the Eviction Notice event. Seasoned players with efficient inventory management may find little need for this perk, opting for more impactful choices such as damage-boosting perks.

Portable Power exemplifies a convenience perk that sacrifices overall effectiveness for situational benefits.

8 Storm Chaser

Effect: Health Regeneration During Rain or Rad Storms

A Luck-based perk, Storm Chaser unlocks at level 35, offering sustainability but facing limitations due to weather-dependent activation. Despite its potential in specific scenarios, superior alternatives like consumables and armor effects overshadow its appeal, relegating it to a less popular choice.

While viable in certain weather conditions, Storm Chaser's effectiveness diminishes in comparison to more potent healing options, making it less sought after by high-level players.
