Exploring Fallout 76: The Tadpole Quest

Embark on the challenging Order of the Tadpole quest in Fallout 76 and become a Pioneer Scout.
Exploring Fallout 76: The Tadpole Quest


  • Undertake tasks to join the Pioneer Scouts
  • Complete challenges to earn badges
  • Receive valuable rewards upon quest completion

Embarking on a journey in Fallout 76 opens up numerous side quests, including the intriguing Order of the Tadpole. This quest presents an opportunity for players to become part of the esteemed Pioneer Scouts, ultimately achieving the status of a Possum after acquiring merit badges from the Scout Leader. However, gaining entry into the Pioneer Scouts entails a series of challenges that are more demanding than anticipated.

Players must undergo examinations, gather essential resources, and fulfill additional tasks to demonstrate their suitability. For those currently engaged in this quest and seeking guidance on its completion, here is a comprehensive walkthrough to officially join the Pioneer Scouts.

Mastering the Order of the Tadpole in Fallout 76

To initiate the Order of the Tadpole side quest, head towards the Pioneer Scout Camp located just north of the Grafton Dam, as depicted on the map image above. Upon entering the area, the quest will automatically activate.

Uncovering the Mystery

Commence the quest by venturing into the campgrounds and following the sound of music. Seek out Scout Leader Jaggy, the peculiarly adorned robot in the vicinity, who will introduce you to the Pioneer Scouts and kickstart the badge acquisition process.

Acts of Kindness

Engage in online events to revive an ally using a Stimpak for this segment. No specific location is specified; simply participate in events available in the World Activity section on the map.

Demonstrating Helpfulness

Embark on this task by journeying to the Kiddie Corner Cabins situated north of Clarksburg. Upon arrival, approach Scout Leader Pompy to commence the assignment. Utilize the secondary map image to pinpoint the 5 locations of toxic mutagenic waste to be collected. Subsequently, dispose of all collected waste in the designated container shown in the final image.

Showcase Bravery

Proceed to the Dolly Sods Wilderness building in the eastern map region for this challenge. Converse with Pioneer Scout Leader Treadly and collect various insect components. Obtain a Bloodbug Proboscis, Radroach Meat, Stingwing Barb, Tick Blood Sac, and Bloatfly Gland from specific locations or any areas where these insects are prevalent. Return the items to Pioneer Scout Leader Treadly upon acquisition.

Cultivate Growth

To culminate the quest, secure 3 badges by undertaking challenges listed in the Challenges section of the map under the 'World' category. Access a Pioneer Scout Exam at Camp Adams or any other campsite to initiate the process. Select a test from the Knowledge Exams room, consisting of five randomized questions. Upon completion, fulfill 10 additional tasks specified under each badge category. Return to Scout Leader Jaggy at the Pioneer Scout Camp to officially attain the rank of Possum Scout.

Rewards of the Tadpole Quest in Fallout 76

Upon successful quest completion, Scout Leader Jaggy bestows several rewards that hold significant value for players:

  • 200 Caps
  • Pioneer Scout Backpack
  • Random Legendary Armor
  • Pioneer Scouts: Tadpole Backpack (Crafting)
  • Standard Backpack (Crafting)

The backpacks acquired during this quest provide substantial carrying capacity enhancements, proving invaluable for your adventures.