Fallout 76 Radstag Locations Guide

Discover where to find Radstags in Fallout 76 and make the most of their valuable drops and resources.
Fallout 76 Radstag Locations Guide


  • Find the best Radstag locations in Fallout 76
  • Learn about Radstag drops and their uses in quests and crafting
  • Beware of the Observant Albino Radstags for hidden surprises

Radstags, the gentle mutants of Fallout 76, wander the wasteland peacefully, offering players a source of valuable resources amidst the chaos. While not aggressive, these creatures are essential for quests and crafting endeavors in the game.

For those seeking Radstags, knowing where to locate them is key. Here's a guide to help you pinpoint the prime Radstag spots across the Appalachia region in Fallout 76.

Best Radstag Locations in Fallout 76

Among the various locations, Thomas Farm in the Savage Divide stands out as the top spot to encounter Radstags. Situated near Dent & Sons Construction, the farm's prominent barn makes it easily recognizable. While other spots may or may not have Radstags, a thorough search is recommended. Revisit locations later to check for respawned Radstags.

Radstags are generally harmless, but caution is advised as some may retaliate. Arm yourself with formidable weaponry to stay safe while hunting in Fallout 76.

Radstag Drops and Utilization

Upon defeating Radstags, they yield valuable resources like meat and hide, crucial for quests, crafting, and cooking endeavors. Quests such as 'Thrill of the Grill' necessitate Radstag meat collection for swift completion.

Grilled Radstag is a highly beneficial consumable in the game, providing 60 HP restoration and a 20-point carrying capacity boost. Additionally, scrapping Radstag Hide yields Leather, essential for various equipment recipes. Optimize your crafting perks in Fallout 76 to maximize the utility of Radstag Hides.

Exercise caution when hunting Radstags to avoid mistakenly targeting Observant Albino Radstags. These special mutants can lead players to hidden treasures like stashes and camps, but they might also guide them into encounters with legendary mutants. Maintain a safe distance while following them to avoid potential dangers.