Uncovering the Best Spot for Lead Ore in Fallout 76

Discover where to find an abundance of lead ore, vital for ammunition crafting in Fallout 76.
Uncovering the Best Spot for Lead Ore in Fallout 76


  • Locate prime lead ore sources for ammo production in the game world.
  • Explore the Lucky Hole Mine in the Savage Divide region for a rich lead deposit experience.
  • Utilize the Excavator Power Armor to enhance lead ore collection efficiency within the mine.

Crafting ammunition in Fallout 76 demands a steady supply of lead, a crucial component players often struggle to amass due to its weight and scarcity in the wasteland.

While scrapping junk items yields lead, mining ore deposits remains the most efficient method. The Fallout 76 world boasts prime locations abundant in lead deposits, ideal for establishing a CAMP for convenient ammo crafting.

Prime Locations for Lead Deposits

Hunt for natural lead veins nestled in rocky terrains and mountain ranges. The Savage Divide, particularly the area west of the Atlas Observatory, hosts several lead deposits, albeit challenging to locate. For a more fruitful lead ore venture, journey to the Lucky Hole Mine near the Cranberry Bog, a hotspot teeming with industrial activity and various foes like radroaches, ants, and mole miners.

Situated west of Watoga city and in close proximity to Fort Defiance and Big Bend Tunnel East, the mine brims with valuable lead ore and crystal reserves. To streamline your mining expeditions, consider establishing your base near the Lucky Hole Mine to minimize travel burdens, especially when laden with heavy ore.

To optimize lead collection efficiency, equip the Excavator Power Armor, renowned for enhancing ore extraction rates. Miners clad in this power armor often leave the Lucky Hole Mine with substantial lead ore quantities after each run, thanks to its unique benefits.