Fallout 76: Hunting Down Anglers

Discover the elusive Anglers in Fallout 76 and where to track them for valuable resources.
Fallout 76: Hunting Down Anglers


  • Uncover the Locations of Anglers
  • Engage in the Moonshine Jamboree Event
  • Utilize Angler Resources for Crafting and Consumables

Within the mutated ecosystem of Fallout 76's wasteland dwell unique creatures like Anglers, monstrous fish-frog hybrids. These creatures, while menacing, offer valuable crafting materials crucial for survival in the game.

Scouting for Anglers can be a challenge due to their rarity, but knowing where to search is key. If you're in need of Adhesives in Fallout 76, targeting Anglers is a fruitful strategy.

Locating Anglers in Fallout 76

Similar to other adversaries in Fallout 76, Anglers have specific habitats across the wasteland, predominantly in the Mire region on the eastern frontier of the map. Seek out these creatures in areas like the Gnarled Shallows, northeast of Abbie's Bunker, and the vicinity of Thunder Mountain Substation TM-01 to encounter groups of Anglers.

While Anglers may not always be present, venture to Pylon V-13, east of Abandoned Bog Town workshop, for a chance to encounter these creatures. In the absence of Anglers, expect to face other formidable foes like Mirelurk Hunters, Gulpers, or Snallygasters.

For a concentrated Angler hunt, participate in the Moonshine Jamboree event near Substation TM-01. Defend moonshine stills from waves of Gulpers, Feral Ghouls, and Anglers. Prepare for intense battles by equipping your best Fallout 76 armaments to safeguard the stills.

Besides yielding Adhesives, Anglers drop Raw Asbestos, essential for crafting chems and armor mods. Cook Angler Meat into Poached Angler, a consumable boosting max AP by 20 for 30 minutes. Unlock the recipe upon obtaining Angler Meat for the first time.