Decoding Fallout 76's Quantum World

Unveiling the mysteries of the customized Quantum World in Fallout 76.
Decoding Fallout 76's Quantum World


  • Understand the unique Quantum World in Fallout 76
  • Exploring the Quantum World's special features
  • Crafting essentials in Fallout 76's Quantum World

Delving into the realm of Fallout 76, Bethesda has introduced a dynamic twist to the traditional Fallout essence. While the multiplayer 'Adventure' domain garners significant focus, FO76 boasts a plethora of offerings. Through the Fallout 1st initiative, gamers gain access to exclusive worlds, including private realms for solo or small-team quests, and temporary custom worlds crafted by the community.

Fallout 76's Quantum World stands out as a distinct Custom World meticulously constructed by Bethesda. These Custom Worlds are unique environments where creators establish special rules to provide players with an exceptional gaming experience. These worlds operate as limited-time events, typically changing on a monthly basis. The alterations in these realms range from the ordinary to the extraordinary. This guide aims to decipher how the Quantum World functions and what players can anticipate upon entry.

Accessing the Quantum World in Fallout 76

To venture into the Quantum World, players must navigate to Fallout 76's main menu. Opt for the 'Play' section to view the available worlds. Upon accessing the menu, four choices appear: Adventure, Private Adventure, Quantum World, and Custom World. Hover over the Quantum World icon and press X/A to unveil the screen showcasing the features of this Custom World.

The Quantum World menu enumerates the following World Settings:

  • Nuked Flora & Creatures are activated (including special plants and additional radiant/diseased foes)
  • Quantum Storm Rain is the perpetual weather condition
  • Nuclear Jump Height is implemented (resulting in a significant jump boost)
  • Fall Damage is completely nullified

These constitute the fundamental parameters defining Fallout 76's Quantum World.

Decoding the Quantum World

Upon entering the Quantum World in Fallout 76, players encounter notable divergences. The augmented jump height and absence of fall damage create a thrilling and chaotic combat setting. The Quantum World's offerings ensure an exhilarating experience.

Many items obtainable in the Quantum World mirror those accessible post-nuclear detonation in Fallout 76's Adventure mode. The transformation in plant and animal life yields unique crafting materials that are otherwise unavailable.

One prime location to witness the Quantum World's effects is the vicinity surrounding the Whitespring Resort. Here, the mutated flora and fauna are prominently showcased, and harvesting them forms a pivotal aspect of the gameplay loop within the Quantum World.

Harvesting Nuked Flora:

In the Quantum World, plants are altered to correspond to the four 'Flux' types acquired through harvesting. The four Flux varieties encompass:

  • Cobalt Flux
  • Fluorescent Flux
  • Violet Flux
  • Yellowcake Flux

While in the world, plants are color-coded to match their respective flux. For instance, gathering the orange Raydodendron yields Raw Fluorescent Flux, while the purple Crackletail provides Raw Violet Flux. These raw materials, coupled with special substances from irradiated animals and adversaries, are utilized to produce a stable form of Flux.

Harvesting Nuked Animals and Enemies:

The Quantum World features an abundance of luminous and diseased adversaries, offering unique crafting materials essential for crafting distinct items. When salvaging loot from vanquished foes in the Quantum World, watch out for the following resources:

  • Glowing Mass
  • Hardened Mass
  • High-Radiation Fluids

These components serve as critical elements in fashioning Stable Flux, a pivotal ingredient for crafting in the Quantum World.

Crafting in Fallout 76's Quantum World

Various items in the Quantum World rely on the Stable Flux procured from the world's materials. Remember, the sole site for creating Stable Flux is at a Chemistry Station.

Four categories of craftable Stable Flux exist. These items share identical crafting requisites, differing only in the type of Raw Flux utilized.

Here are a few examples of items that can be crafted using various Stable Flux (blueprints required):

  • Advanced Power Armor and Mods - Core Assembly, Fallout 76's myriad Jetpacks, and more
  • Serums - Grounded, Empath
  • Ultracite Ammo