Fallout 76: The Ultimate Guide to The Fixer Combat Rifle

Discover how to obtain and maximize the potential of the sought-after Fixer in Fallout 76.
Fallout 76: The Ultimate Guide to The Fixer Combat Rifle


  • Learn how to acquire The Fixer through specific quests and events.
  • Uncover the secrets to obtaining The Fixer plans for crafting.
  • Master the crafting requirements to create your own powerful Fixer Combat Rifle.

The Fixer has become an indispensable choice for Rifleman and Commando builds in the ever-popular Fallout 76, especially since its introduction in the Wild Appalachia update. Offering a versatile stat package suitable for various playstyles, it excels in both low and full-health builds, making it a top pick for stealth enthusiasts.

This exceptional Combat Rifle transforms into a formidable weapon with the right Legendary affix, but even in its base form, it proves to be a reliable choice for early endgame scenarios. Here's how you can add this valuable asset to your arsenal.

Acquiring The Fixer in Fallout 76

To secure your first Fixer, embark on a series of quests in the Ash Heap region to the south. Visit any Ash Heap train station and interact with a poster titled "Sheepsquatch ate my brother!" This initiates the Lying Lowe questline, tasking you with uncovering clues related to the mythical Sheepsquatch and a group of corporate agents.

The Fixer awaits as a reward in the fourth quest, Wolf In Sheep's Clothing, within the Garrahan Estate area. While pursuing this quest, consider exploring the nearby Garrahan Mining Headquarters to acquire Fallout 76's Excavator Power Armor as a bonus.

Primary modifiers for The Fixer include:

  • Bonus damage in stealth situations
  • 20% increased overall damage
  • 20% faster movement speed while sneaking

Obtaining The Fixer Plans

The crafting plans for The Fixer can be a random drop from the Encryptid public event, where players face off against a formidable Sheepsquatch (a modified assaultron in Fallout 76). To defeat this foe, cooperation is key as you activate three conduit pylons to weaken the boss while fending off waves of hostile robots.

Obtaining The Fixer plans may require multiple attempts. Additionally, completing mutated public events presents another opportunity to acquire these plans. Keep an eye out for notifications indicating the occurrence of these events, which appear roughly every hour. Once you've learned the plans, legendary variants can be obtained as quest rewards or from the store of Purveyor Murmrgh.

To craft a Level 50 Fixer at a Weapon Workbench, gather the following materials:

  • Adhesive (9)
  • Gear (10)
  • Spring (15)
  • Screw (15)
  • Steel (18)
  • Oil (8)
  • Wood (14)