Unveiling the Finest Legendary Weapons in Fallout 76

Exploring the top-tier Legendary Weapons that stand out in Fallout 76.
Unveiling the Finest Legendary Weapons in Fallout 76


  • Discover legendary weapons prized for their potent effects and high demand in the game.
  • Uncover sought-after weapons like the Quad Fixer and Two Shot Alien Blaster, fetching millions of Caps.
  • Learn about the Quad Tesla Rifle - an optimal choice for quick leveling during events like Radiation Rumble.

Legendary weapons play a pivotal role in the world of Fallout 76. While beginning with a non-legendary weapon is feasible, it swiftly becomes outdated. The game offers a plethora of legendary effects for weapons, with some standing out as top-tier choices.

These elite weapons can either be cherished for personal use or traded for high-value items, armor, and other top-tier weapons among players. Navigating the perilous ruins of post-war Appalachia necessitates being well-armed with formidable weapons.

In Fallout 76, there are five primary methods to acquire legendary weapons. These include obtaining them as rewards for completing events, looting legendary enemies, purchasing from player vendors or Purveyor Murmrgh, buying Legendary Modules, or engaging in player-to-player trades.

10 Bloodied Fixer

Cap Value: ~ 1 Million


  • Bloodied
  • +50% Critical Damage
  • 25% VATS Reduction Cost

The B/50C/25 Fixer, introduced in 2019 with the Wild Appalachia update, has been highly coveted due to its exceptional attributes. Fixers are immensely popular owing to their rapid-fire rate, damage output, and cost-effective ammunition.

Bloodied weapons enjoy widespread popularity, particularly among players utilizing Bloodied builds focused on low health. With suitable perks and enhancements, players can maximize damage output while operating at 20% health. The B/50C/25 Fixer shines not only with Bloodied Builds but also complements full-health builds. It boasts an approximate Cap value of 1 million.

9 Quad LMG

Cap Value: ~ 1.1-1.4 Million


  • Quad
  • Explosive
  • 90% Reduced Weight or 15% Faster Reload Speed

The Light Machine Gun, or LMG, is a swift-firing heavy weapon adept at dispatching high-level adversaries with ease. Its substantial ammo capacity, with the Quad perk quadrupling the base ammo capacity to 300 rounds, is a standout feature.

However, the LMG's appetite for .308 rounds, which are relatively pricey and deplete rapidly, poses a drawback. The estimated Cap value fluctuates between 1.1 and 1.4 million, subject to demand variations.

8 Vampire's Enclave Plasma Rifle

Cap Value: ~ 1.5 Million


  • Vampire
  • 25% Faster Fire Rate
  • 15% Faster Reload Speed

The Enclave Plasma Rifle, or EPR, stands as a highly sought-after armament. However, acquiring mods for this rifle, particularly the rarer ones, proves to be quite challenging. The Aligned Flamer Barrel is deemed essential for this setup, typically priced at around 30k if obtainable.

Functioning ideally with full-health builds, the Vampire's effect restores player health per enemy hit. Coupled with the 25% faster fire rate from the flamer barrel, players endure significantly less damage while wielding this rifle. The approximate Cap value for this weapon is 1.5 million.

7 Bloodied Enclave Plasma Rifle

Cap Value: ~ 1.5 Million


  • Bloodied
  • 50% Critical Damage
  • 25% VATS Reduction Cost

Continuing with the EPR series, the Bloodied variant excels with this weapon type. Opting for an automatic barrel typically proves more effective. The 50% Critical Damage enhancement transforms this weapon into a lethal force. Combining increased Critical Damage with reduced VATS cost elevates this weapon to formidable heights.

Aspiring EPR owners can complete the Dropped Connection event to potentially receive this weapon, which can then be modded using Legendary Modules for desired effects. With a comparable value to the previous entry, it hovers at around 1.5 million Cap value.

6 Quad Tesla Rifle

Cap Value: ~ 1.5 Million


  • Quad
  • 25% Faster Fire Rate
  • 15% Increased Reload Speed

For players aiming to expedite their leveling process, the Quad Tesla Rifle emerges as a premier choice. With appropriate mods, this rifle possesses a unique feature where it not only hits the primary target but also inflicts damage on adjacent targets, thereby yielding more experience points.

Particularly effective during the Radiation Rumble event due to the abundance of high-level foes in confined spaces, Tesla Rifle ammo is readily available, offering solid durability. Its estimated Cap value stands at 1.5 million.

5 Quad Fixer

Cap Value: ~ 2 Million


  • Quad
  • 50% Critical Damage
  • 25% VATS Reduction Cost

Quad weapons typically command the highest value due to their expanded magazine capacity. The ability to fire more rounds before reloading eases the conquest of Appalachia. While the standard Fixer boasts a reasonably large magazine, the additional ammo capacity significantly enhances performance.

With VATS reduction and increased Critical Damage, this Fixer delivers substantial damage both within and outside VATS engagements. Its Cap value averages around 2 million.

4 Quad Handmade

Cap Value: ~ 2.5 Million


  • Quad
  • 25% Faster Fire Rate
  • 25% VATS Reduction Cost

While not the most potent automatic rifle in Fallout 76, the Handmade compensates with manageable recoil and economical ammunition. The Quad effect elevates the ammo capacity to 80 rounds, synergizing with the Faster Fire Rate effect to render this rifle a valuable asset.

Subject to price fluctuations, this Handmade typically garners a Cap value of around 2.5 million. Additionally, an array of skins further enhances its appeal, catering to players who relish the game's role-playing aspect.

3 Quad Railway Rifle: Part One

Cap Value: ~ 2.5 Million


  • Quad
  • 25% Faster Fire Rate
  • 25% VATS Reduction Cost

Railway Rifles wield considerable power, yet their restricted ammo capacity poses a challenge. The Quad Railway Rifle, however, grants 40 spikes per reload instead of the standard 10, enhancing usability.

Mitigating recoil with reduced VATS cost ensures infrequent manual shooting, minimizing recoil concerns. This weapon typically commands a Cap value of around 2.5 million.

2 Two Shot Alien Blaster

Cap Value: ~ 3.5 Million


  • Two Shot
  • 50% Critical Damage
  • 25% VATS Reduction Cost

The Two Shot Alien Blaster stands as the game's sole top-tier Two Shot weapon. This effect, coupled with heightened Critical Damage, empowers the weapon to unleash staggering damage on boss-level adversaries and obliterate standard foes with a single shot.

Despite crafting expensive ammunition, fewer shots are typically required to neutralize enemies compared to other contenders. With an approximate Cap value of 3.5 million, it ranks among the game's most costly weapons, boasting a distinctive alien-inspired design.

1 Quad Railway Rifle: Part Two

Cap Value: ~ 3.5 Million


  • Quad
  • 50% Critical Damage
  • 25% VATS Reduction Cost

This weapon embodies the aspirations of countless Fallout 76 enthusiasts , commanding substantial trades for rare apparel. Enhanced with crucial buffs, the 50% Critical Damage augmentation cements its status as one of the game's premier arms.

Procuring this exceptional weapon poses a significant challenge, typically necessitating trades with other players at a considerable cost. It boasts a Cap value of approximately 3.5 million, placing it beyond the reach of most players.