Speculating Fallout 5's New Location

Exploring the potential setting of the upcoming Fallout 5 game and its ties to the popular TV series.
Speculating Fallout 5's New Location


  • The next Fallout game's location may already be chosen by developers.
  • Fans speculate the return to the New California Republic or a fresh setting for Fallout 5.
  • Each Fallout game's location sets the tone for the storyline and world-building.

The Fallout TV series has sparked curiosity about the next installment, Fallout 5, and its potential storyline. Despite eager anticipation, the game's release is likely years away. While Fallout 76 offers multiplayer gameplay, fans crave a new single-player experience set in the post-apocalyptic America.

The Fallout franchise has surged in popularity, fueled by the success of Amazon Prime's TV series. As discussions around Fallout 5 intensify, speculation mounts about its setting. Although details are scarce, hints suggest the location might already be decided.

Predicting Fallout 5's Setting

Todd Howard has hinted at Fallout 5's existence, confirming its development after The Elder Scrolls 6. The game's setting is crucial to Bethesda's storytelling process, laying the foundation for immersive world-building.

Theories on Fallout 5's Location

Some fans predict a return to the New California Republic or a San Francisco setting based on Fallout 4 references. While the TV series aligns with California, Bethesda may opt for a fresh locale to surprise players.

Impact of Fallout's Setting on Development

Each Fallout game's location shapes its narrative and gameplay. Bethesda likely has a general region in mind for Fallout 5, a vital starting point for crafting the game world. Despite the wait, fans can expect a rich, immersive experience in the next Fallout installment.