Fallout 4 Xbox Achievements Problem: Issues and Solutions

Discover the ongoing challenges faced by Xbox players with Fallout 4 achievements and explore upcoming solutions.
Fallout 4 Xbox Achievements Problem: Issues and Solutions


  • Xbox players are experiencing a bug preventing the unlocking of Fallout 4 achievements since March 30.
  • Consider delaying playing Fallout 4 on Xbox until the achievement problem is resolved.
  • An extensive game update for Fallout 4 is set to release on April 25, promising fixes and new features.

Regrettably, Xbox players are encountering a troublesome hurdle with unlocking achievements in Fallout 4. The Fallout series is currently riding high on popularity, partly due to the success of the Amazon TV series. This surge has prompted many fans to revisit Fallout 4 or dive into it for the first time.

Player counts for Fallout games have surged, spanning from the classic titles to the more recent Bethesda creations. Given that Fallout 4 is the newest main installment and the most accessible to a wide audience, it's no surprise that many opt to play it over the others. However, Xbox users are facing a setback as the game's achievements seem to be malfunctioning since March 30.

TrueAchievements data reveals that achievements in Fallout 4 on non-Xbox platforms are unlockable without issues, indicating that Xbox is the sole platform affected, with the problem persisting since at least March 30. The positive news is that Bethesda is actively addressing the Xbox achievement unlocking problem in Fallout 4, hinting at an imminent fix. Those keen on earning achievements in Fallout 4 might want to postpone their gameplay and indulge in achievements in other Fallout titles for now.

Fallout 4 Achievements Challenge on Xbox

Another reason to consider delaying your return to Fallout 4 is the forthcoming major update scheduled for April 25. Bethesda has confirmed that this update will introduce new content, tackle existing bugs, and optimize the game for PS5 and Xbox Series X/S consoles. With any luck, the Xbox achievement issue will be resolved by then, allowing returning and new players to relish the full Fallout 4 experience while racking up achievements.

While whispers suggest potential enhancements for other Fallout games, no official announcements have been made as of now. Rumors hint at a potential Fallout 3 remaster in progress, but fans are advised to temper their expectations. Nonetheless, the original version remains backward compatible on Xbox, offering fans a hassle-free way to revisit the game in the meantime.