The Bottom 10: Fallout 4's Least Effective Armaments

In Fallout 4, the array of weapons is vast, but not all guns are worth the trouble.
The Bottom 10: Fallout 4's Least Effective Armaments


  • Some iconic Fallout 4 weapons fall short in practicality.
  • Many weapons lack utility and are outclassed by better alternatives.
  • Unique weapons like the Flare Gun and Acid Soaker offer little in combat effectiveness.

The Fallout series is renowned for its weaponry, and Fallout 4 brought a diverse arsenal, yet not all guns hit the mark. Ranging from classic pistols to nuclear grenade launchers, the game's weaponry offers variety but not always quality.

Amidst the dangerous Wasteland, some firearms in Fallout 4 are more trouble than they're worth. Let's explore the bottom tier of firearms in the game.

10 Fatman

Excessive Firepower, Limited Practicality

The Fat Man, a fan favorite, is a Mini Nuke launcher that often backfires due to its massive blast radius, scarcity of ammo, and tricky aiming. While it deals significant damage, its impracticality makes it a rare choice.

9 Fragmentation Mines

Explosive but Ineffective

Mines littered across the game, like Fragmentation Mines, offer good damage but limited utility. Inefficient for base defense and impractical against fast enemies, they fall short in versatility.

8 Submachine Gun

Ammo Drain with Little Impact

The Submachine Gun, inspired by the Tommy Gun, boasts high fire rate but lacks damage. It consumes ammo quickly, making it inferior to other rifles. Only its explosive variant redeems its combat value.

7 Pipe Gun

Customizable but Ineffective

The concept of pipe guns is intriguing, but their inefficiency becomes apparent as the game progresses. Outclassed by other weapon types, they become obsolete against tougher foes, rendering them redundant.

6 Railway Rifle

Limited by Rare Ammo and Projectile Speed

The Railway Rifle, despite its potential, falters due to its rare ammo and slow projectiles. Its restricted range and accuracy issues hinder its effectiveness, making it a subpar choice among rifles.

5 Syringer

Novelty Weapon with Limited Practicality

The Syringer's diverse effects make it appealing, yet its resource-intensive ammo crafting and minimal impact on enemies diminish its combat value. Its situational use restricts its overall usefulness.

4 Gamma Gun

Ineffective Against Wasteland Dwellers

The Gamma Gun's radiation-based attacks prove futile against radiation-resistant foes in the game. Common enemies like ghouls are even healed by its radiation, rendering it ineffective in most combat scenarios.

3 Rolling Pin

Impractical Melee Weapon

Melee weapons like the Rolling Pin lack efficiency, offering low damage output and challenging mechanics. Their limited range and common legendary drops disappoint players seeking effective close combat choices.

2 Acid Soaker

Gimmicky and Ineffective

The Acid Soaker, while unique, falls short in combat due to its limited range and damage output. Its specialized ammo and lack of modifications restrict its practical use, relegating it to a mere novelty item.

1 Flare Gun

Limited Combat Value

Among the least effective weapons, the Flare Gun's minimal damage output and situational utility make it a poor choice in combat. While it can summon support, its inefficiency and rarity of flares make it a subpar option in most engagements.