Fallout 4 vs Fallout 76: Which Is the Better Game?

Exploring the differences between Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 to help players choose the ideal gaming experience.
Fallout 4 vs Fallout 76: Which Is the Better Game?


  • Fallout 76 excels in visual effects, surpassing Fallout 4 with improved graphics.
  • Fallout 4 offers a more captivating storyline and impactful player decisions compared to Fallout 76.
  • Fallout 76 shines in weapon and armor variety, providing more customization options than Fallout 4.

With the surge in popularity of the Fallout TV show, both Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 have garnered significant attention. However, players often find themselves at a crossroads when deciding which game to dive into. Each game has its strengths and weaknesses, but the question remains - which one reigns supreme?

When comparing Fallout 4 and Fallout 76, aspects such as gameplay mechanics, visual effects, storylines, and arsenal choices play a crucial role in determining the superior game. Let's dissect these elements to unveil the standout features of each game.

6 Visual Effects

Which Game Boasts Superior Visuals?

Upon its release, Fallout 4's landscape left players in awe with its stunning visuals. Despite some noticeable bugs, the overall graphics, animations, and in-game actions were impressive, especially when compared to its predecessor, Fallout 3. On the contrary, Fallout 76 encountered a rocky start, plagued by rendering issues and technical glitches. However, continuous efforts by developers have significantly enhanced the game's visual appeal. Presently, Fallout 76 takes the lead in visual effects, overshadowing Fallout 4, although this may change with Fallout 4's upcoming next-gen update.

5 Storyline

Which Game Offers a Compelling Story?

While neither Fallout 4 nor Fallout 76 boast extraordinary main storylines, Fallout 4 edges ahead with a more engaging narrative. Fallout 76's storyline has improved over time but lacks depth and meaningful choices for players. Fallout 4, despite its shortcomings, presents memorable moments and allows player decisions to significantly impact the storyline, a feature absent in Fallout 76. Consequently, Fallout 4 takes the crown for a better main storyline.

4 Weapons And Armor

Which Game Offers Superior Weapon and Armor Selection?

Both Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 provide a plethora of weapons and armor choices typical of Bethesda games. Fallout 4 features unique gear that players can discover and earn, albeit with limited customization options. In contrast, Fallout 76 allows players to craft and re-roll legendary equipment, offering diverse combinations. Additionally, Fallout 76 boasts an array of mods and skins for gear customization, outshining Fallout 4 in weapon and armor variety.

3 Game Performance And Bugs

Which Game Delivers Better Performance?

Known for their share of bugs, both Fallout games exhibit performance issues, with Fallout 76 facing more challenges in this aspect. Despite significant improvements post-launch, Fallout 76 continues to struggle with bugs and server crashes due to its online nature. On the other hand, Fallout 4 offers a more stable gaming experience with fewer game-breaking bugs, making it the preferred choice for overall game performance.

2 Player Reviews

Which Game Receives Better Feedback?

  • Fallout 4 Recent Reviews: 79% Mostly Positive
  • Fallout 76 Recent Reviews: 72% Mostly Positive

Initially marred by negative reviews, Fallout 76 has undergone significant improvements, reflected in its current mostly positive player feedback. Conversely, Fallout 4 maintains a higher player approval rate despite being an older title. Overall, Fallout 4 tends to garner more favorable reviews from players.

1 So, Which Game is Better?

A Verdict on the Gaming Experience

While Fallout 4 emerges as the superior choice with better reviews, storyline, and performance, Fallout 76 remains a compelling option with a vibrant community. The solitary essence of Fallout games may be better preserved in Fallout 4, contrasting the online camaraderie of Fallout 76. Ultimately, Fallout 4 stands as the current preferred game, but the enjoyment of Fallout 76's online adventures should not be overlooked.