Fallout 4 Enthusiast Recreates Shishkebab Weapon in Real Life

Discover how a passionate Fallout 4 fan brings to life the iconic Shishkebab melee weapon, allowing players to engulf their foes in flames.
Fallout 4 Enthusiast Recreates Shishkebab Weapon in Real Life


  • A dedicated Fallout 4 fan successfully replicates the Shishkebab weapon in real life.
  • The Shishkebab utilizes a combination of propane and butane to ignite the blade.
  • The creator expresses excitement at the prospect of contributing to the Fallout TV series.

An ardent Fallout 4 enthusiast has managed to recreate the infamous Shishkebab in the physical world, mirroring its functionality from the game. The Shishkebab, a fiery sword enabling players to incinerate their adversaries, has materialized through the ingenuity of a devoted fan of the franchise.

Approaching its 30th anniversary, the Fallout series continues to captivate fans, leaving a lasting impact. Whether individuals have been part of the community since its inception or joined during the era of Bethesda, there is a plethora of iconic elements for enthusiasts to honor. Throughout the years, numerous remarkable fan tributes inspired by the Fallout universe have emerged. Recently, a gamer crafted an impressive Fallout mixtape, paying homage to the timeless songs featured across all game editions.

Sharing the functional Shishkebab with the Fallout community online, Redditor CaptainNotSoCool presented a video showcasing its operation. Ignited by a blend of propane and butane, a slow-motion demonstration of the Shishkebab in use truly emphasizes its appeal. While the Shishkebab stands out as one of the premier melee weapons in Fallout 4, its transition from a virtual asset to a tangible creation seemed improbable. Nonetheless, the footage attests that, in the hands of a skilled creator, the Shishkebab proves to be fully functional.

Innovative Recreation of Shishkebab by Fallout 4 Fan

The fan community expressed immense admiration for this recreation, with one individual commenting, "Impressively crafted, but safety first." While safety concerns are valid with the Shishkebab, CaptainNotSoCool appears to handle it responsibly. Another user humorously suggested, "Amazon Prime video should consider hiring you for the next season," to which CaptainNotSoCool responded, expressing that it would be a cherished opportunity. Given that a fan's cosplay made it into the latest Fallout series, the possibility of this Shishkebab recreation attracting attention from the right quarters is not far-fetched.

The surge in Fallout franchise's popularity following the TV adaptation's release has been exhilarating. Record numbers of players have immersed themselves in the games, with Fallout: New Vegas even achieving peak player counts on Steam. With Bethesda currently engrossed in The Elder Scrolls 6, the heightened enthusiasm seems poised to benefit the earlier Fallout installments, setting a promising stage for the forthcoming title in the series, whenever it debuts in the future.