Troubleshooting F4SE Mod in Fallout 4

Dealing with Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE) problems after the latest game update
Troubleshooting F4SE Mod in Fallout 4


  • Update to Fallout 4 causing mod issues
  • Steps to fix F4SE on Nexus Mods
  • Alternative methods to address F4SE problems

The Fallout community is buzzing due to the recent attention from the Fallout TV series by Amazon. Bethesda responded by updating Fallout 4 for better performance on next-gen consoles. While fans were excited about the update bringing new features like Creation Club quests and enhanced graphics, it also caused compatibility issues with many mods. Notably, the popular Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE) was affected. Here's how to resolve F4SE issues after the recent update.

Fixing F4SE Through Nexus Mods

Since the update on April 25, 2024, players have been seeking solutions to make the F4SE mod compatible with other mods in the game. F4SE, as described on its Nexus Mods page, enhances Fallout 4's scripting capabilities without altering any core files, making it a critical resource for many mods. The active Fallout 4 modding community has faced setbacks due to this update.

To address this, the mod's creator, IanPatt, and the F4SE team have been diligently working on fixes. While an update is available, it's important to note that the mod may still be unstable, leading to occasional crashes unrelated to F4SE. To install the update, follow these steps:

It's crucial to understand that this update is still in early stages, so encountering crashes and bugs is expected. Patience is key as the community works towards resolving F4SE issues effectively.

Alternative Solutions for F4SE Problems

An alternative approach to tackling F4SE issues is by reverting to the pre-update version of Fallout 4. However, this process is complex and requires players to remain offline on Steam until a solid fix for F4SE is available. For a detailed guide on downgrading Fallout 4, refer to the comprehensive instructions. Here's a brief overview of the steps involved: