Exciting News: Fallout 4 to Join Epic Games Store on April 25

Mark your calendars as Fallout 4, one of the standout games from 2015, is set to make its Epic Games Store debut on April 25.
Exciting News: Fallout 4 to Join Epic Games Store on April 25


  • Get ready for Fallout 4's arrival on the Epic Games Store this April 25.
  • The possibility of Fallout 4 becoming a free game giveaway on the Epic Games Store is on the horizon.
  • Bethesda's expansion of content related to Fallout 4 is influenced by the success of the Fallout TV series on Amazon.

Get ready for a significant event in the gaming world as Bethesda's Fallout 4 is gearing up to land on the Epic Games Store on April 25. It's an exciting time for fans of the Fallout series, especially with the immense popularity of the Fallout TV series on Amazon. Bethesda is seizing the opportunity to bring fresh content to the game, aligning with the success of the show.

Fallout 4 marks the latest installment in the beloved post-apocalyptic RPG franchise, hitting the market in 2015 with critical acclaim, despite facing some backlash for its voiced protagonist and technical aspects. Bethesda has consistently enhanced Fallout 4 with updates and DLCs, ensuring an engaging experience for players over the years.

PC players will soon have a chance to dive into the world of Fallout 4 through the Epic Games Store, with the game officially debuting on April 25. The release will coincide with a significant update tailored for PC users, introducing features like widescreen and ultra-widescreen support, along with bug fixes. While the update leans more towards console improvements, PC gamers will also benefit from these enhancements.

Fallout 4: A New Addition to the Epic Games Store

One of the most anticipated aspects of Fallout 4's arrival on the Epic Games Store is the possibility of it becoming a future freebie for users. Bethesda has a track record of offering its games for free on the platform, whether through regular giveaways or special promotions. Fans can already look forward to free Fallout games in 2024.

Earlier this year, there was a mix-up with the announcement of classic Fallout titles as freebies on the Epic Games Store, which were later confirmed to be part of the 2024 free game lineup. While the exact release date for these titles is uncertain, dedicated users who have been claiming free games on EGS will be prepared.

Several Fallout games have previously been offered for free on the Epic Games Store, including Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition and Fallout: New Vegas. Although Fallout 4 won't be free upon its April 25 debut, the potential for it to be a complimentary offering in the future remains, possibly in 2025 or even sooner.