Fallout 4: Acquiring the Spray and Pray Weapon

Learn how to obtain the legendary SMG with explosive ammo known as Spray and Pray in Fallout 4.
Fallout 4: Acquiring the Spray and Pray Weapon


  • Discover the unique explosive power of Spray and Pray SMG
  • Locate the traveling merchant Cricket to purchase this exceptional weapon
  • Enhance the gun's explosive effect with the Demolition Expert perk and customize it at the Workbench

Exploring the hazardous world of Fallout 4 presents numerous challenges, with survival often hinging on superior gear. For those favoring SMGs, obtaining the legendary Spray and Pray becomes a game-changer in Fallout 4. This exceptional SMG comes packed with distinctive explosive ammunition, offering unparalleled firepower. However, acquiring this weapon proves to be a task requiring more than just a casual stroll through the Wasteland.

Acquiring Spray and Pray in Fallout 4

If you set your sights on adding the Spray and Pray to your arsenal in Fallout 4, your quest leads you to a specific NPC - Cricket. This wandering merchant from Bunker Hill deals in various melee and firearms, including the coveted Spray and Pray SMG. However, be prepared to invest a considerable amount of time in tracking her down.

Locating Cricket in Fallout 4

As a nomadic trader, Cricket's whereabouts in Fallout 4 are ever-changing as she roams the southern region of the Wasteland. Her unpredictable routes make pinpointing her exact location challenging. However, several known stops where Cricket may appear include:

  • Outside Vault 81
  • Outside Diamond City
  • Outside Warwick Homestead

While her caravan might pass by other sites, Cricket doesn't halt her journey at these locations:

  • Suffolk County Charter School
  • Wilson Atomatoys
  • Wreck of the FMS Northern Star
  • Quincy Quarries
  • Peabody House
  • Poseidon Energy
  • Hangman's Alley
  • West Roxbury Station
  • Fallon's Department Store
  • Milton General Hospital
  • Boston Police Rating Site
  • Fairline Hill Estates
  • Quincy Ruins
  • Quincy Police Station
  • Gunners Plaza

Occasionally, there's a slim chance of encountering Cricket in your settlement by constructing a trade caravan post.

Fallout 4: Spray and Pray Weapon Statistics

At the heart of the Spray and Pray SMG in Fallout 4 lies its remarkable explosive attribute. Each shot from this weapon detonates upon impact, causing area damage. Pairing this feature with the Demolition Expert perk amplifies the explosive potential. Moreover, the gun often comes equipped with premium modifications like a recoil-reducing suppressor. Should you desire different enhancements, the Workbench allows for customization. In terms of specifications, the Spray and Pray boasts:

  • Damage - 34
  • Ammo - .45 round
  • Fire rate - 127
  • Accuracy - 69
  • Range - 77
  • AP cost - 43