Unlocking the Untapped Potential of Resident Evil's Ethan and Mia

Resident Evil boasts numerous iconic characters, but Ethan and Mia Winters' potential remains largely untapped.
Unlocking the Untapped Potential of Resident Evil's Ethan and Mia


  • Ethan and Mia Winters' growth potential was limited, hindering their chances of becoming enduring protagonists like their predecessors in recent Resident Evil games.
  • Ethan's role as a first-person protagonist may have hindered players from forming a meaningful connection with him, rendering him more of an avatar than a fully developed character.
  • Mia Winters' association with the enigmatic crime syndicate, The Connections, presents an intriguing facet of her character that was largely overlooked in the narrative of Resident Evil Village, warranting further exploration.

The Resident Evil franchise has introduced a diverse array of compelling protagonists over the years. The central characters in Resident Evil games have consistently played pivotal roles in the franchise's success. However, in the recent installments such as RE7 and Village, the main characters, Ethan and Mia Winters, have not had the same opportunities for growth to establish themselves as enduring protagonists like their predecessors.

While there is a valid argument for potentially concluding the Winters family saga in future Resident Evil games, it is evident that the characters were not provided with a significant platform to attain legacy status. While the prospect of seeing the return of iconic characters like Jill, Leon, or Claire in Resident Evil 9 after a prolonged absence is enticing, Ethan and Mia possess substantial potential in their own right.

The Future Roles of Ethan and Mia in Resident Evil Games

The Resident Evil franchise experienced a rejuvenation with Resident Evil 7 and Resident Evil Village. The narrative of Village took an unexpected turn by unveiling the true origins of the Umbrella Corporation's iconic name and logo. Despite being central characters in these significant narratives, the true potential of Ethan and Mia was stifled.

Ethan Winters' Constrained Identity

While players assumed the role of Ethan Winters in both RE7 and Village, the first-person perspective in these games arguably prevented many fans from forming a meaningful bond with him. The deliberate concealment of his face throughout both games gives the impression that RE7 and Village could have been led by any character in the franchise, making Ethan feel more like an avatar than a fully realized character. The decision to keep Ethan Winters' identity shrouded in mystery is peculiar and may have ultimately hindered his journey to legacy status, as some players may struggle to connect with him due to this factor.

Mia Winters' Overlooked Background

It is no secret that Resident Evil occasionally leaves intriguing plot points unexplored, and Mia Winters' connection with The Connections is one of the most captivating aspects of her character, yet it was largely overlooked. As an exceedingly enigmatic crime syndicate, The Connections and Mia Winters' affiliation with such a dubious organization warrant deeper exploration. While her tenure with The Connections was partly delved into in RE7, Mia was conspicuously absent from the narrative of Village, and the limited role she did play failed to address her dubious past.

Mia's mysterious involvement with The Connections renders her an exceedingly intriguing character due to her morally ambiguous nature, a facet that the Resident Evil franchise would benefit from delving into further. If the series were to conclude Ethan and Mia's story, it would solidify the couple as a duo who fell short of their potential.

The Uncertain Future of the Winters Couple

With the introduction of Village's DLC, Shadows of Rose, Ethan and Mia's daughter, Rose, took center stage. While Ethan featured in the story, Mia was notably absent, raising curiosity about whether Resident Evil 9 will feature Rose or her parents. The Winters family narrative has not been explored to the extent it deserves, and one hopes there will be ample opportunity for their development in the franchise's forthcoming installments.