Expanding the Horizons of Ghost of Tsushima 2 by Exploring New Territories

Dive into the potential of Ghost of Tsushima exploring diverse locations beyond Japan, inspired by real-world Mongol invasions.
Expanding the Horizons of Ghost of Tsushima 2 by Exploring New Territories


  • The sequel to Ghost of Tsushima can break free from Japan and delve into locations worldwide affected by Mongol invasions.
  • Introducing a new protagonist in Ghost of Tsushima 2 might offer a fresh perspective and gameplay experience for fans.
  • Maintaining the combat-focused gameplay of Ghost of Tsushima while venturing into new territories can keep the series engaging and unique.

Ghost of Tsushima unfolds amidst the backdrop of the initial Mongol invasion of Japan, captivating players with its exquisite landscapes and intense sword battles. Although not officially confirmed, there are strong indications that Sucker Punch is gearing up for another installment in the series.

While the first game mesmerized players with its Japanese setting, the future of Ghost of Tsushima should not be confined to a single locale. Drawing inspiration from Assassin's Creed, upcoming games in the series could explore various global destinations, offering players an even broader range of stunning environments to immerse themselves in.

Delving into Ghost of Tsushima's Historical Roots

Ghost of Tsushima is rooted in the historic Mongol invasion of Japan in 1274, with protagonist Jin Sakai playing a pivotal role in defending Tsushima and Iki Island. While not a historical reenactment, the game draws inspiration from real events, blending them with a touch of fiction.

Jin's evolution from a traditional samurai to a ninja adept at unorthodox tactics adds depth to the gameplay and narrative. While the current setup excels in its addictive gameplay and breathtaking visuals, the franchise has the opportunity to transcend its Japanese origins.

Unexplored Mongol Campaigns

Aside from Japan, the Mongol Empire's expansionist ambitions led to invasions across Asia, reaching as far as present-day Turkey, the Middle East, and even Vietnam. The next chapter of Ghost of Tsushima could shed light on these lesser-known battles, showcasing the valor of indigenous defenders against the Mongol onslaught.

Embracing Global Exploration

As the series contemplates retaining Jin as the protagonist or ushering in a new hero, there's an opportunity to inject freshness into the gameplay experience. Jin's journey to diverse locales could see him honing both his samurai and ninja skills, possibly introducing novel combat techniques.

However, given the saturation of ninja-themed games in the market, a new protagonist devoid of ninja ties could offer a unique gameplay angle and genre shift for the franchise.

Maintaining Ghost of Tsushima's Identity

While drawing inspiration from Assassin's Creed, Ghost of Tsushima should preserve its distinctive combat-oriented gameplay and stance system. Venturing beyond Japan doesn't necessitate parkour or rooftop traversal; instead, the focus should remain on refining the existing gameplay mechanics.

With each sequel expected to surpass its predecessor, Ghost of Tsushima can avoid stagnation by exploring new territories ravaged by Mongol invasions. Introducing players to different warrior archetypes beyond samurais and ninjas opens a treasure trove of untold stories for Sucker Punch to delve into.