The Hottest Buzz Around the Upcoming Battlefield Game

Fans are eagerly anticipating a major feature making a comeback in the next installment of the Battlefield series.
The Hottest Buzz Around the Upcoming Battlefield Game


  • The next Battlefield game is rumored to emphasize environmental destruction, returning to its roots.
  • Destructible environments have become less prominent in recent Battlefield games, but the new installment aims to redefine this aspect.
  • To stand out in the crowded shooter market, the upcoming Battlefield needs to offer dynamic destruction and a revamped Levolution system.

Among the myriad speculations swirling around the highly anticipated release of the next installment in EA's beloved Battlefield series, one particular rumor is causing a stir like no other. While the news of EA and Criterion possibly revisiting the franchise's origins with the upcoming iteration is undoubtedly exciting for many fans, it's the talk of a renewed emphasis on environmental destruction that is truly igniting enthusiasm among players. Once a defining characteristic of the series, this feature has taken a back seat in recent editions but is now poised to make a spectacular comeback.

While the concept of destructible environments in games is no longer as rare as it once was when Battlefield: Bad Company first introduced this innovative gameplay element, it still remains a relatively uncommon feature in multiplayer titles. With the next Battlefield game rumored to double down on this beloved yet underutilized mechanic, EA has the opportunity not only to pay homage to the franchise's heritage but also to establish a new benchmark for future releases.

Environmental Destruction in the Battlefield Series: An Evolution

Despite being a fan-favorite aspect, destructible environments were not a fundamental part of the series until the launch of Battlefield: Bad Company in 2008. As a console-exclusive spin-off, the game introduced the franchise's first single-player campaign alongside two multiplayer modes. Although the multiplayer matches were limited to 24 players, less than half the capacity of the PC versions, the destructible environments quickly captivated players and contributed to the game's success. The introduction of the Levolution system in Battlefield 4 took environmental destruction to new heights.

Rather than merely creating breaches in walls or demolishing small structures as seen in Battlefield: Bad Company, Levolution allowed players to significantly alter map layouts by triggering events like breaching a levee to unleash a flood. While subsequent Battlefield titles featured similar systems, players often felt that the scale of destruction fell short of the impact achieved by Levolution. By refocusing on destruction in the upcoming Battlefield game, EA could reverse this trend and finally deliver what gamers have been clamoring for.

Setting a New Standard for Environmental Destruction

In recent years, EA has steered away from the intricate destruction mechanics that were instrumental in the popularity of Battlefield: Bad Company and Battlefield 4, leaving a gap that other titles have attempted to fill. Notably, the free-to-play game The Finals stands out for its extensive destructibility, allowing players to demolish almost everything within the game's arenas. Developed by a team comprising former Battlefield developers at Embark Studios, The Finals sets a high bar for EA and Criterion to surpass.

To distinguish itself from competitors like The Finals, the next Battlefield should strive to redefine the standard for destructible environments in gaming. One strategy could involve designing levels abundant with structures that players can obliterate throughout a match, creating a dynamic and ever-changing playground of destruction. Pairing this with an enhanced Levolution system offering more opportunities for players to wreak havoc on their surroundings could provide the necessary edge for the upcoming Battlefield to compete effectively against similar shooters.

While the current wave of rumors surrounding the next Battlefield installment promises various exciting features, such as larger match sizes and a return to fundamental gameplay principles, it is the revival of the beloved destruction mechanics that has the potential to elevate the series to new heights. If EA and Criterion heed the desires of the franchise's fanbase and deliver the chaotic, structure-demolishing gameplay experience players have yearned for, the next Battlefield could emerge as the most explosive entry in the series yet.