Evolution of the Ronin Warriors in Wo Long Saga

Exploring the evolution of AI-controlled allies as a core element in Team Ninja's Rise of the Ronin inspired by their work on Wo Long.
Evolution of the Ronin Warriors in Wo Long Saga


  • Rise of the Ronin introduces innovative AI-controlled allies and multiplayer features to the challenging Soulslike genre.
  • The bond between players and companion characters in Wo Long and Rise of the Ronin enhances the cooperative gameplay experience.
  • Rise of the Ronin builds upon Wo Long's companion system with enhanced Ally and Bond mechanics for a more rewarding co-op adventure.

While many associate the Soulslike genre with solitary gameplay, multiplayer has always been integral to it. Team Ninja's Rise of the Ronin offers a fresh take on Soulslike mechanics, featuring demanding combat and cooperative play, drawing inspiration from their previous title, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty.

Wo Long follows Team Ninja's mission-based structure, allowing players to upgrade gear and abilities before embarking on new story segments. Choosing the right AI companion in Wo Long is crucial, as bonding with them enhances gameplay. Rise of the Ronin expands on this concept, enabling players to switch between characters during combat and engage in Bond-strengthening missions.

The Evolution of Ally Control in Rise of the Ronin

Unlike traditional Soulslike games, Wo Long integrated AI allies into core gameplay, providing support throughout missions. Rise of the Ronin elevates this idea by allowing seamless character switching and exploiting enemy weaknesses. This evolution enhances the player's combat strategy and survival chances.

Embracing Cooperative Play in Soulslike Adventures

Both Rise of the Ronin and Wo Long redefine the perception of solitary Soulslike experiences by emphasizing the significance of companion characters. The challenging gameplay remains, encouraging players to strengthen bonds with allies for a balanced yet tough gaming experience.

While traditional co-op mechanics may not align with the Soulslike difficulty, Wo Long and Rise of the Ronin showcase the benefits of cooperative elements. By enhancing Wo Long's companion system, Rise of the Ronin delivers a compelling co-op experience, whether with AI or human allies.