Exploring the Evolution of Skills in The Elder Scrolls Through a Comprehensive Fan-Made Chart

A detailed chart created by an avid Elder Scrolls player showcases the progression of skills in the franchise from Daggerfall to Skyrim.
Exploring the Evolution of Skills in The Elder Scrolls Through a Comprehensive Fan-Made Chart


  • A comprehensive fan-made chart illustrates the evolution of skills in The Elder Scrolls series, shedding light on the changes and simplifications implemented over the years.
  • The chart emphasizes skills that have been amalgamated or entirely removed, with the magic category undergoing the most significant transformations.
  • Despite Skyrim featuring a reduced number of skills overall, it still presents distinctive options within each category, enabling players to craft unarmed builds and explore additional magical abilities.

An enthusiastic Elder Scrolls fan has meticulously crafted a detailed chart delineating the evolution of skills across various installments of the beloved franchise. This comprehensive image serves as a valuable resource for understanding the nuanced differences between each game.

The Elder Scrolls series, originating in 1994, has witnessed the release of four mainline titles along with numerous spin-offs and expansions for Oblivion, Morrowind, and Skyrim. As the series has progressed, certain aspects have been refined to streamline the gaming experience. While the visual aspects and world-building have advanced significantly, some fans have expressed discontent with alterations in areas such as character classes and development. This ambitious fan project encapsulates all the alterations in skills from Daggerfall to Skyrim.

Reddit user Stained_Class recently unveiled a comprehensive chart elucidating the evolution of Elder Scrolls skills in Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim. The chart showcases that in Daggerfall, combat skills such as Critical Strike, Running, and Swimming were prominent. However, Critical Strike gradually faded away in subsequent releases, with Running and Swimming being amalgamated into the Acrobatics skill in Oblivion and ultimately disappearing in Skyrim. The Stealth category in Daggerfall indicated the grouping of Pickpocketing into Sneak, which later reappeared as an independent skill in Skyrim. The chart also highlights the magic section, depicting 16 spells in Daggerfall, which reduced to 9 in Morrowind, 7 in Oblivion, and finally 6 in Skyrim.

While several aspects of The Elder Scrolls have been streamlined across the installments, this chart serves as a definitive guide to the specific alterations in skills. Notable mentions of vanished skills include Mercantile, Etiquette, Security, Hand-to-Hand, and Dodging. In most instances, these skills were amalgamated into broader categories, while others were phased out entirely. The chart specifies that Thaumaturgy was partially assimilated into Conjuration, while the remaining aspects joined Alteration, which continues to exist in Skyrim. Among the three skill categories, magic underwent the most significant transformations, highlighting the pivotal role of Daggerfall for Mage-build players.

Despite Skyrim featuring a reduced number of skills compared to its predecessors, it still offers distinct options within each category. The chart underscores the absence of hand-to-hand combat in the latest mainline game, although some players still opt for an unarmed build in Skyrim. Additionally, earlier installments allowed Mages to engage in Spellcraft, extending the scope of magical abilities beyond those explicitly mentioned in the chart.