The Evolution of Government Mechanics in Civilization 7

Exploring the potential for a revolutionary shift in gameplay dynamics in the upcoming Civilization installment.
The Evolution of Government Mechanics in Civilization 7


  • Civilization 7 has the opportunity to overhaul its government system for a more immersive player experience.
  • Previous Civilization games introduced government mechanics, but Civilization 6 elevated their importance in gameplay progression.
  • Developers should strive for realistic reflections in Civilization 7's government dynamics to deepen strategic choices and immersion.

With the closure of post-launch updates for Sid Meier's Civilization 6, fans eagerly anticipate the next installment, Sid Meier's Civilization 7, currently in development by Firaxis. As with each new release, significant changes are expected to redefine the iconic strategy series. A crucial aspect ripe for innovation is the game's government system.

Throughout the Sid Meier's Civilization series, government types have played pivotal roles in players' conquests, evolving with each iteration. After six games, the time is ripe for Firaxis to transform this system into a more immersive and impactful element of gameplay, transcending its current state of mere bonuses and abilities.

Civilization 7 Should Redefine the Role of Governments

The Evolution from Civilization 6

In Sid Meier's Civilization 6, governments underwent a significant transformation. While the concept of governments was present in earlier titles, it took center stage once again, revolutionizing progression in the game. The introduction of governments through the civic tech tree, unlocking policies and bonuses, marked a refreshing change embraced by the player community.

Despite the success of Sid Meier's Civilization 6's government mechanics, there remains room for improvement to make them more authentic. The shift to a monarchy or democracy should not only affect policy cards but also alter how players engage with the game world. Civilization 7 has the potential to elevate this concept further, intertwining government types with player interactions and strategic decisions.

Redefining Gameplay in Civilization 7

In the upcoming Civilization 7, Firaxis has the opportunity to infuse governments with true significance, reflecting real-world implications. Democracies could require player consensus for policy changes, Theocracies might focus on religious expansion, Monarchies could evoke a sense of royalty, and Fascist regimes could isolate players diplomatically. These choices could extend beyond gameplay mechanics to impact aesthetics, music, and even available World Wonders.

While such a shift may seem drastic for the Civilization series, drawing inspiration from games like Stellaris showcases the potential for immersive government mechanics. By integrating these changes thoughtfully, Civilization 7 could usher in a new era of strategic gameplay, redefining player experiences within the franchise.