Evaluating the GP-31 Grenade Pistol in Helldivers 2

Exploring the utility and drawbacks of the Grenade Pistol in the diverse arsenal of Helldivers 2.
Evaluating the GP-31 Grenade Pistol in Helldivers 2


  • The Grenade Pistol offers a unique gameplay style with its compact yet powerful explosive capabilities.
  • Considerations on ammo management and loadout synergy are crucial when utilizing the Grenade Pistol.
  • Balancing the benefits of the Grenade Pistol with its limitations can impact strategic choices in combat situations.

The GP-31 Grenade Pistol in Helldivers 2 provides players with a versatile secondary weapon option that brings a fresh dynamic to combat scenarios. While not a direct replacement for the P-19 Redeemer, this compact launcher offers unique advantages that cater to specific playstyles and tactical approaches.

In the realm of Helldivers 2, customizing loadouts for optimal performance is key. For those seeking a portable explosive solution capable of swiftly dealing with objectives and enemy clusters, the Grenade Pistol from the Democratic Detonation Warbond faction proves to be a valuable selection.

Analyzing Grenade Pistol Performance

  • Damage: 600
  • Fire Rate: 900
  • Capacity: 1
  • Recoil: 43

The Grenade Pistol functions as a potent single-shot weapon, excelling in anti-infantry operations by delivering substantial damage upon impact. With projectile arcs akin to the Exploding Crossbow, its effectiveness is notable in dismantling structures such as bot fabricators and bug holes, as well as engaging medium-armored foes like Automaton Devastators.

However, a notable drawback lies in its limited ammunition capacity. Reloading after each shot and a maximum carry limit of 8 additional shells necessitate prudent ammo management strategies. To offset potential shortages, integrating explosive stratagems like the Eagle Airstrike or Orbital Precision Strike into loadouts can provide alternative demolition options.

Evaluating Tactical Viability

The Grenade Pistol emerges as a favorable choice due to its robust damage output and utility in structure destruction. Its ability to free up the grenade slot enables diverse tactical applications, facilitating the incorporation of utility grenades like Smoke and Stun variants without compromising firepower.

Despite its benefits, players must navigate the trade-offs associated with weapon pairing. Combining the Grenade Pistol with the R-36 Eruptor can leave combatants vulnerable in close-quarters engagements, particularly against Terminids. The weapon's substantial blast radius poses a risk to the user, necessitating strategic adjustments to mitigate potential self-inflicted harm.