Comparing Tekken 8 and Tekken 7 Rosters

Exploring the character line-ups in Tekken 8 and Tekken 7 to understand their differences and similarities.
Comparing Tekken 8 and Tekken 7 Rosters


  • Tekken 8 introduces 32 characters at launch, focusing on Kazuya and Jin's story in Unreal Engine 5.
  • Both Tekken 8 and Tekken 7 offer diverse combat styles with a mix of fan-favorites and newcomers.
  • Tekken 7 boasts a larger post-launch roster compared to Tekken 8, which has been well-received for its balanced initial line-up.

Tekken 8 is the latest addition to the renowned fighting game series, succeeding the popular Tekken 7. Originating in 1994, the franchise has evolved from its humble beginnings with eight characters to a vast roster of 32 fighters in Tekken 8. Spanning nearly a hundred unique combatants throughout its iterations, each game draws from this pool of characters to enrich its battles. Notably, Tekken 7 is highly acclaimed within the series, owed largely to its diverse character roster.

Tekken 7 debuted in Asian arcades in 2015, expanding to home consoles and PC in 2017 with 23 initial characters, eventually growing to over 50 by the release of Tekken 8.

Tekken 7 Character Line-up

  • Akuma
  • Alisa
  • Anna
  • Armor King
  • Asuka
  • Bob
  • Bryan Fury
  • Claudio
  • Devil Jin
  • Dragunov
  • Eddy Gordo
  • Eliza
  • Fahkumram
  • Feng
  • Ganryu
  • Geese
  • Gigas
  • Heihachi
  • Hwoarang
  • Jack-7
  • Jin
  • Josie
  • Julia
  • Katarina
  • Kazumi
  • Kazuya
  • King
  • Kuma
  • Kunimitsu
  • Lars
  • Law
  • Lee
  • Lei
  • Leo
  • Leroy
  • Lidia
  • Lili
  • Lucky Chloe
  • Marduk
  • Master Raven
  • Miguel
  • Negan
  • Nina
  • Noctis
  • Panda
  • Paul
  • Shaheen
  • Steve
  • Xiaoyu
  • Yoshimitsu
  • Zafina

The Diversity of Tekken 8's Roster

Tekken 8 debuts on home consoles with a roster of 32 characters, each designed with a unique fighting style and backstory, revolving around the narrative of Kazuya and Jin, crafted in Unreal Engine 5. Despite having fewer characters than Tekken 7 at launch, Tekken 8 offers a comprehensive selection of fighters, promising additional DLC characters in the future. The initial roster of Tekken 8 aims to provide a balanced and varied set of combatants for players.

Tekken 8 Character Line-up

  • Alisa
  • Asuka
  • Azucena
  • Bryan Fury
  • Claudio
  • Devil Jin
  • Dragunov
  • Feng Wei
  • Hwoarang
  • Jack-8
  • Jin
  • Jun
  • Kazuya
  • King
  • Kuma
  • Lars
  • Lee
  • Leo
  • Leroy
  • Lili
  • Law
  • Nina
  • Panda
  • Paul
  • Raven
  • Reina
  • Shaheen
  • Steve
  • Victor
  • Xiaoyu
  • Yoshimitsu
  • Zafina

Out of the 32 characters in Tekken 8, only six are new compared to Tekken 7. The introduction of characters like Reina, Victor, and Azucena brings fresh fighting styles to the series, enhancing gameplay. While Tekken 7 may have a more extensive roster due to post-launch support, Tekken 8's initial line-up is well-received for its blend of familiar faces and innovative additions.

Evaluating the Roster Evolution

Although Tekken 7 boasts a larger character roster accumulated over the years, the comparison of initial line-ups between Tekken 8 and Tekken 7 reveals intriguing differences. While Tekken 7 introduced some controversial characters, Tekken 8 has received praise for its new additions like Azucena and Reina, who offer engaging gameplay experiences. With a strong foundation and potential for future DLC, Tekken 8 seems poised to follow in the footsteps of its predecessor, catering to both series veterans and newcomers alike.