Handy Advice for Newcomers to No Rest For The Wicked

Preparing for the challenges of No Rest For The Wicked requires these essential tips to set players on the right path.
Handy Advice for Newcomers to No Rest For The Wicked


  • Gather resources early to unlock game features and upgrades
  • Practice parrying for effective combat against tough enemies
  • Choose weapons with longer reach for safer melee engagements

No Rest For The Wicked introduces a hardcore action-RPG experience crafted by the developers of popular indie games like Ori And The Blind Forest series. Unlike its predecessors, this game merges traditional RPG elements with souls-like challenges, posing a steep learning curve for novices. Beyond combat difficulties, various in-game systems impact player progression, necessitating early strategic decisions.

5 Start Strong by Stocking Up Resources

Enhancing Efficiency Through Resource Management

Upon defeating the first boss, players enter Sacrament, the central hub, where engaging with NPCs, especially Maker Danos, becomes crucial. By providing resources for construction projects, players unlock valuable upgrades like new recipes at Gordon's restaurant. Gathering resources early is vital as they regenerate with the fog-of-war mechanic, ensuring constant availability. Investing in a shovel early aids in resource collection, including rare clay deposits.

4 Master the Art of Parrying

Effective Defense Against Advanced Foes

The game's combat system, inspired by Dark Souls, emphasizes parrying for countering enemies efficiently. While risky due to gear degradation upon death, mastering parrying proves beneficial against specific foes. Adapting to evolving enemy dynamics by adjusting equipment loadouts minimizes gear wear during practice sessions.

3 Opt for Long-Reach Weapons

Ensuring Safety in Melee Engagements

Melee enthusiasts benefit from weapons with extended reach like the strength-scaling Claymore, offering strategic advantages against close-combat opponents. Shields provide additional defense, but two-handed weapons like the Claymore excel in maintaining a safe distance while dealing substantial damage.