Essential Tips for Dragon Age: Inquisition Players

Master the unwritten rules of Dragon Age: Inquisition to enhance your gaming experience before the release of Dragon Age: Dreadwolf.
Essential Tips for Dragon Age: Inquisition Players


  • To maintain pacing, venture beyond the Hinterlands and concentrate on the main storyline in Dragon Age: Inquisition.
  • Unlock the rich lore and character insights by delving into the codex, a vital resource for background information.
  • Complete the Trespasser DLC to gain closure for the Inquisitor's story and uncover essential details for the upcoming Dragon Age: Dreadwolf.

Dragon Age: Inquisition presents an expansive world brimming with diverse quests, intricate landscapes, and a captivating ensemble of allies. As you embark on this adventure, it's crucial to grasp certain principles to optimize your gaming journey and immerse yourself fully in the experience.

Navigating Thedas in Dragon Age: Inquisition

Explore Beyond the Hinterlands

The Hinterlands, though enticing, can potentially impede the game's momentum with its sheer scale and multitude of activities. To counteract pacing issues, monitor the Inquisition's Power and venture beyond the Hinterlands once adequate Power is amassed. While the Hinterlands can be revisited for side quests, prioritize advancing the main storyline of Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Dive into the Codex

Unravel the depths of the codex to unearth invaluable context surrounding companions, factions, and the intricate tapestry of Thedas. Particularly essential for those new to Dragon Age: Origins or Dragon Age 2Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, uncovering mysteries such as Mythal's connection to Andraste and the elven gods.

Embrace Trespasser

For a comprehensive Dragon Age: Inquisition experience and pivotal revelations crucial to Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, the Trespasser DLC is indispensable. It provides closure for the Inquisitor and their companions, delves into the enigmatic elvhen empire, and unveils the true motivations and identity of Solas. Beyond its narrative impact, Trespasser introduces compelling gear and mechanics, making it an unmissable addition.

Mastering Dragon Age: Inquisition

Craft and Equip Strategically

Harness the art of crafting to furnish the Inquisition companions with superior equipment, surpassing standard in-game loot. Investing in rare schematics and materials yields remarkable gear, with select materials even nullifying class restrictions on armor, granting the Inquisitor unparalleled versatility.

  • Light armor: Dales Laden Wool
  • Medium armor: Snoufleur Skin
  • Heavy armor: Silverite

Strategize War Table Assignments

The War Table serves as the backdrop for the Inquisitor's narrative, influenced by the actions of the Inquisition and overseen by the advisors. Thoughtful selection of advisors and strategic handling of assignments not only shapes the story but also yields significant Power and Influence, unlocking perks and rewards for the Inquisitor.

Emphasize Guard Abilities

Guard, a pivotal defensive mechanism, bestows companions with an additional layer of protection, persisting unlike Barrier. Prioritize acquiring Guard through warriors' talents or equipment, particularly crucial at higher difficulties, fundamentally altering combat dynamics and fortifying the party's defenses.