Escaping the Captcha Trap in Content Warning Game

Learn how to successfully navigate and overcome the Captcha Trap in the Content Warning game.
Escaping the Captcha Trap in Content Warning Game


  • Spotting and avoiding the dangerous Captcha Trap
  • Strategies to deal with being trapped inside the Captcha Trap
  • Collaborating with teammates to free someone from the Captcha Trap

Exploring the treacherous landscapes of the old world can be perilous, with dangers lurking at every corner. Among the various hazards, one particularly tricky obstacle is the Captcha Trap, also known as Weeping. Here's how you can navigate your way out of this challenging situation in the Content Warning game.

Surviving the Captcha Trap

Locating the Weeping creature, disguised as a Captcha Trap, can be rare and dangerous. It resembles a large cage with a face on top, ready to ensnare unwary players.

To evade Weeping, the key is to avoid stepping into the cage. Keep your focus on the trap to prevent it from advancing towards you. Moving backward while maintaining eye contact is crucial to creating distance between you and the trap. Be cautious of other monsters in the vicinity and aim to reach safety swiftly without falling victim to the Captcha Trap.

If you happen to find yourself trapped inside the cage, remain calm as it poses no immediate harm. However, you'll need external assistance to escape, as solving the puzzle from the outside is the only way to unlock the cage.

When aiding a teammate caught in the Captcha Trap, approach the cage without fear of being attacked by Weeping. Engage with the symbols displayed on the screen near the cage door, correctly inputting them into the designated field. Precision is crucial as you have limited attempts to crack the captcha. Once solved, the cage will release its captive. Capture this thrilling rescue on camera for a chance to gain popularity within the game.