Escape From Tarkov: Enhance Your Combat Skills

Discover the essential combat skills to thrive in Escape From Tarkov.
Escape From Tarkov: Enhance Your Combat Skills


  • Combat skills are crucial for success in Escape From Tarkov.
  • Improving specific skills can enhance weapon handling and reliability.
  • Enhancing combat skills is pivotal for surviving intense firefights.

In Escape From Tarkov, players have the choice to embark on raids as a Scav or a PMC. The PMC, the primary player-character, can be equipped with various gear and skills. Apart from Mental, Physical, and Practical skills, PMCs progress through Combat Skills as they gain experience and level up in the game. These combat skills can significantly impact various aspects of gameplay, including weapon handling, reliability, accuracy, and specific weapon-related abilities that improve based on the player's chosen loadout.

While some skills can be honed by completing specific missions for Traders, most skill enhancements occur naturally with increased playtime. Similar to the character's overall level, each skill level can be raised up to Level 51 (Elite Level), unlocking additional bonuses. Players can also boost skills by constructing modifications to their Hideout, with Shooting Range upgrades providing a 10% experience gain modifier for Combat skills.

8 Sniper Rifles

Master the Art of Long-Range Precision

Proficiency with Sniper Rifles is crucial in Escape From Tarkov, particularly on larger, open maps like Shoreline and Interchange. Players can enhance this skill by obtaining sniper kills during raids and completing specific missions such as Mentor, A Shooter Born In Heaven, The Tarkov Shooter Part 8, and Psycho Sniper, offered by Traders.

7 Melee

Master Close-Quarter Combat

While often a last resort, Melee weapons can be used to eliminate enemies without alerting others. High Melee skill allows players to use these weapons effectively, ranging from small daggers to powerful swords, and can even be traded for valuable weapons with Traders.

6 Throwables

Master Tactical Efficiency

Throwables, such as flash bangs and hand grenades, are invaluable for clearing buildings and dealing with groups of enemies. Improving this skill increases throw strength, equipping and throwing speed, and reduces the energy required to use throwables.

5 Troubleshooting

Enhance Weapon Reliability

Improving the Troubleshooting skill reduces the chances of weapon malfunctions, providing a crucial advantage in intense firefights.

4 Assault Rifles

Master Assault Rifle Proficiency

Enhancing the Assault Rifles skill improves reload time, switching speed, reduces recoil, and enhances weapon ergonomics, crucial for dominating firefights.

3 Aim Drills

Sharpen Your Aiming Prowess

Improving the Aim Drills skill reduces recoil across all weapon types and minimizes the effects of injury and suppression on aiming ability, providing a crucial edge in combat.

2 Underbarrel Launchers

Master Underbarrel Launcher Efficiency

Improving this skill decreases reloading times, enhancing the effectiveness of underbarrel launchers, providing a significant advantage in combat.

1 Recoil Control

Master Weapon Recoil

Enhancing Recoil Control reduces horizontal spread, improving weapon handling across all types, providing a crucial edge in intense firefights.