Mastering the Hollow Halls Quest in Enshrouded

Embark on an epic adventure in the treacherous Hollow Halls of Embervale. Here's your guide to conquering this daring quest!
Mastering the Hollow Halls Quest in Enshrouded


  • Unlock the Hollow Halls Quest by engaging with the Alchemist NPC
  • Navigate through multiple dungeons in a specific order with strategic item preparation
  • Claim powerful rewards like the Sinister Crescent Staff and Frozen Core Wand upon successful completion

Embark on a thrilling journey in the desolate world of Embervale, where a sinister fog known as the Shroud threatens all existence. As a Flameborn hero, the fate of the realm rests on your shoulders in the action-packed realm of Enshrouded. Prepare to navigate through perilous terrains and confront formidable adversaries as you strive to survive and unravel the mysteries shrouding this land.

Recently, Enshrouded unveiled its inaugural major update, injecting fresh content into the game. Among the new additions is the challenging Hollow Halls quest, a multi-stage adventure that promises valuable treasures at its culmination. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you emerge victorious from this daunting expedition.

Unraveling the Enigmatic Hollow Halls

The Hollow Halls quest demands meticulous navigation through interconnected dungeons, each holding essential rewards. Surprisingly, even novice players with modest resources can engage in this quest, benefiting from the gear acquired to streamline their crafting endeavors.

To initiate the Hollow Halls Quest, seek out the Alchemist NPC and secure the 'Explore the Hollow Halls Quest' from them. This will unveil a new point of interest on your map, leading you to the halls located near the game's starting point.

It is imperative to progress through the dungeons in the designated sequence, as each subsequent dungeon mandates a key obtained from its predecessor. Moreover, completing the quest in a single session is crucial, as any interruptions will prompt a reset, necessitating a recommencement from the outset.

The correct sequence of dungeon exploration includes:

Prior to embarking on the Hollow Halls quest, equip yourself with:

  • Healing potions (a substantial quantity is recommended)
  • Grappling Hook
  • Food Buffs
  • Arrows and Spells

These provisions are vital, considering the numerous adversaries you will face, emphasizing the necessity of completion in a single endeavor. Arm yourself adequately before embarking on this challenging odyssey.

Each dungeon harbors a unique protective mechanism that necessitates deactivation through Runes, obtained by vanquishing foes.

Conquering the Dungeon Challenges

Springlands Hollow Hall

This initial Hollow Hall presents relatively manageable obstacles. While adversaries are present, they pose minimal threat and can be swiftly dispatched. Explore this dungeon meticulously and collect 50 Ectoplasm Fragments and 20 bones, essential for subsequent stages of the quest.

Encounter the Collector NPC within this realm, where you will forge the key for Revelwood Hollow Hall utilizing the Ectoplasmic Fragments and bones accumulated earlier.

Revelwood Hollow Hall

As you venture into Revelwood Hollow Hall, your mission remains consistent: overcome foes and acquire Runes. This segment within Revelwood demands endurance, as you combat adversaries and eventually confront the formidable Hollow Cyclops.

The Hollow Cyclops, albeit slow, boasts potent attacks, complicating the battle by summoning skeletal allies. Consider undertaking this challenge with companions to enhance your chances of success.

Upon vanquishing the Hollow Cyclops, claim its Giant Bones and the Hollow head. The Giant Bones are pivotal for crafting the Ectoplasmic Press for the Collector NPC, leading to the initiation of a subsequent quest.

The Nomad Highlands Hollow Halls

The expansive Nomad Highlands Hollow Halls present a substantial challenge compared to previous dungeons. Prepare for extensive rune collection and barrier removal activities. Introducing the Ectoplasmic Shards, acquired through defeating adversaries, crucial for various item constructions, with approximately 100 shards needed.

Kindlewastes Hollow Hall

To access the Kindlewastes Hollow Hall key, secure two Giant Bones and 100 Ectoplasmic Shards.

Being the final dungeon, Kindlewastes poses the greatest challenge, necessitating thorough preparation with ample provisions. Expect barrier unlocking, puzzle-solving, extensive combat, and a challenging boss encounter. Arm yourself with explosive arrows for effective crowd control.

Parts of this dungeon feature the menacing Shroud fog alongside adversaries. Vigilantly monitor your Shroud timer while traversing these regions. Upon completing the 'Explore the Hollow Halls' quest, claim an array of enticing rewards, including the Sinister Crescent Staff and the Frozen Core Wand.

Sinister Crescent Staff

The Sinister Crescent Staff stands out as a premier weapon in Enshrouded, boasting a base damage of 47 at level 25. Notable upgrades for this staff include:

  • Ice Magic Damage
  • Sacred
  • Ice Magic Damage
  • Sacred
  • Mana Leech

Frozen Core Wand

This formidable weapon is renowned for its durability and swift attacks, featuring:

  • Damage: 47
  • Mana regen: 2
  • Overcharge: 11%
  • Attack speed: 0.6 seconds
  • Durability: 250

While the journey through the Hollow Halls poses significant challenges, the rewards awaiting you make the endeavor truly worthwhile.