5 Ways to Enhance Survival Elements in Future Tomb Raider Games

Exploring the potential for deeper survival mechanics in upcoming Tomb Raider titles.
5 Ways to Enhance Survival Elements in Future Tomb Raider Games


  • Fully embracing survival by including predator evasion and day/night cycles.
  • Introducing hunger/thirst mechanics for a more realistic and challenging gameplay experience.
  • Incorporating exhaustion mechanics and resting options to add depth to combat encounters.

The reboot of the Tomb Raider series in 2013 marked a significant departure from its predecessors, offering players a more expansive world to explore while delving into new thematic elements. Survival has become a central theme, with each game focusing on Lara's resilience in isolated environments, replacing her iconic dual pistols with a bow. This shift has led to the series being dubbed the 'Survivor Trilogy.'

Despite survival being a key narrative element, gameplay mechanics have yet to fully embrace this theme. While elements like environmental interaction, skill enhancement, predator encounters, and crafting exist, the games remain predominantly action-adventure. There is untapped potential to enhance the survival aspects of the gameplay further.

5 Enhancing Animal Behaviors

Exploring Non-Violent Predator Encounters

While the 'Survivor' games feature wildlife, there is potential to expand predator encounters beyond combat. Introducing mechanics that allow players to evade predators through observation, stealth, or decoys could add depth to the gameplay.

4 Dynamic Day/Night Cycle

Strategic Gameplay Based on Time of Day

Implementing a dynamic day/night cycle could impact gameplay in significant ways. Players would need to adapt to different challenges and opportunities presented by varying light conditions, influencing strategies and quest outcomes.

3 Survival Needs: Hunger and Thirst

Making Resource Management Essential

Introducing hunger and thirst mechanics could elevate the survivalist themes of the game. Players would need to forage for food and water, adding a layer of realism and challenge to the gameplay experience.

2 Rest and Recovery

Strategic Resting for Endurance

Implementing exhaustion mechanics and the need for rest could introduce a new layer of challenge. Players would have to strategically manage their stamina, impacting combat encounters and exploration.

1 Weather Dynamics

Adapting to Environmental Conditions

Introducing a weather cycle could add complexity to gameplay, requiring players to adapt to changing environmental conditions. Different weather patterns could offer strategic advantages or challenges, influencing gameplay decisions.