Discovering Dive Locations in Endless Ocean Luminous

Learn how to reveal Dive-Site IDs in Endless Ocean Luminous to revisit your favorite dive spots or share them with friends.
Discovering Dive Locations in Endless Ocean Luminous


  • Uncover Dive-Site IDs by exploring 80% of a map in Endless Ocean Luminous.
  • Shared dives with other players can expedite map exploration in the game.
  • Dive-Site IDs allow easy access to specific locations for quests or puzzles in the game.

Endless Ocean Luminous immerses you in the Veiled Sea, a mysterious ocean teeming with over 500 distinct creature species. The game's allure lies in its ever-changing landscape, with procedurally generated maps offering varying creatures, salvage, and biomes for endless exploration.

Seeking specific species, puzzles, or relics on these dynamic maps can be a challenge. However, the game provides a solution through Dive-Site IDs, unique codes that unlock access to specific locations within the game. Here's a guide on revealing Dive-Site IDs in Endless Ocean Luminous for convenient map revisits.

Revealing Dive-Site IDs in Endless Ocean Luminous

To expose a map's Dive-Site ID in Endless Ocean Luminous, you must unveil 80% of the map. Once you achieve this milestone, the remaining 20% will be automatically disclosed. Upon exiting the dive, you'll receive a screen displaying the Dive-Site ID, which you can screenshot for future reference or sharing. Track your exploration progress by accessing the map with the X button and checking the bottom right corner of the screen.

Exploring 80% of a map solo can be time-consuming. Alternatively, participating in shared dives with other players can accelerate the process, as exploration progress made by any player contributes to the collective 80% requirement. By collaborating with a team to complete tasks and scan creatures, you can swiftly obtain the Dive-Site ID for a map.

If you face challenges with disc puzzles due to rank limitations or wish to revisit maps for quest completion, utilizing Dive-Site IDs offers a reliable solution. These IDs ensure consistent locations on maps across visits, facilitating easy access to desired areas.

Recommended Dive-Site IDs in Endless Ocean Luminous

Here are three enticing Dive-Site IDs in Endless Ocean Luminous, each presenting unique disc puzzles, biomes, and captivating creatures to discover: