Top 7 Spots for Harvesting Materials in Elite Dangerous

Discover the prime locations for gathering essential materials in Elite Dangerous.
Top 7 Spots for Harvesting Materials in Elite Dangerous


  • Upgrade ground weapons and space suits with materials in the Odyssey expansion.
  • Safely farm Odyssey materials at Peng Industrial and Martins Shelter.
  • Complete missions at terminals to earn materials using specific equipment and strategies.

Upon the release of ship engineering in Elite Dangerous version 2.1 by Frontier Developments, players faced the arduous task of collecting materials for ship enhancement. The introduction of material traders in the 3.0 update allowed for material exchange, easing the grind.

In 2021, the Odyssey expansion brought about the need to engineer and upgrade ground weapons and space suits, creating a new materials grind. While material traders are absent for Odyssey materials, limited cross-trading is feasible through Bartenders at station concourses. The process of material gathering in Elite Dangerous presents a unique challenge compared to other space games.

1 Peng Industrial

Optimal Spot for Odyssey Materials

  • Location: Waruts system, planet Waruts B 9
  • Advantages: Gather commonly needed Odyssey materials
  • Equipment Needed: Maverick suit, SRV (optional)

Peng Industrial, situated in a high-security system, offers a prime location for material looting. Exercise caution to avoid detection by NPCs while looting due to the small settlement footprint, reducing the need for extensive movement.

Sneaking into the power building discretely, eliminating NPCs silently, and deactivating base alarms without being noticed are recommended strategies. Any suspicious actions in this high-security zone may lead to fines, bounties, or a tarnished reputation.

2 Martins Shelter

Secure Odyssey Material Farming in Lawless Territory

  • Location: Eurybia system, planet Makula
  • Advantages: Loot commonly required Odyssey materials
  • Equipment Needed: Maverick suit, SRV (optional)

Martins Shelter, found in a system devoid of native population, operates as an anarchy system, minimizing consequences for criminal activities within. With no notoriety generated from NPC kills in this environment, players can eliminate guards, disable alarms, and freely loot the settlement without repercussions.

3 Mission Terminals

Material Farming Through Mission Rewards

  • Location: Any station
  • Advantages: Obtain all Odyssey materials in small quantities
  • Equipment Needed: Well-equipped small ship, Maverick suit, Scarab SRV

Mission terminals offer a viable option for players requiring specific materials in limited amounts. Filter missions to display material rewards and ensure readiness for diverse mission requirements. Equip a suitable ship and modules tailored to handle various mission types efficiently.

  • Cobra MK III: Ideal for small ship missions
  • Maximum shields for defensive purposes during planetary missions
  • Scarab SRV for data point scanning missions
  • Scorpion SRV for general and combat missions
  • Arm all weapon hardpoints with dumb fire missiles for ground enemy encounters

Maintaining positive relations with station factions expands mission options, with terminals refreshing every 10 minutes. Continuously monitor and select missions, leveraging the system's mechanics for material acquisition.