Lost in Translation: Elden Ring TRPG's Journey to English

A look at the delay in bringing the Elden Ring TRPG to English-speaking audiences, a year after its Japanese debut.
Lost in Translation: Elden Ring TRPG's Journey to English


  • The Elden Ring TRPG remains exclusive to Japan, with no English release announced yet.
  • Translating the complex 600+ page rulebook poses significant challenges, both technically and financially.
  • While an official translation may be costly, fan projects could potentially bridge the gap for eager English-speaking fans.

Approaching its first anniversary since the initial release in Japan, the highly anticipated Elden Ring TRPG is still without any news of an English version. Despite the soaring popularity of TRPGs and board games, enthusiasts are left wondering why the English adaptation of the Elden Ring TRPG is lagging behind.

Unveiled on June 20, 2023, the Elden Ring TRPG is a 624-page masterpiece crafted by Hironori Kato, a respected RPG systems architect whose acclaim is predominantly confined to Japan. Illustrated by Jun Suemi, the game’s trio of rulebooks enables a group of players, under a Dungeon Master’s guidance, to delve into the enigmatic Lands Between. Featuring four fresh character classes custom-made for the game, the Elden Ring TRPG boasts intricate mechanics, unique gameplay, and an expansive world, promising an unparalleled tabletop experience.

The Elden Ring TRPG's Exclusivity in Japan

Similar to its predecessor, the Dark Souls TRPG, the Elden Ring TRPG is presently limited to Japan. With no translations available, English-speaking fans are unable to partake in the adventure through The Lands Between unless they are proficient in Japanese. The complexities of translating game manuals suggest that this situation is unlikely to change soon.

The Daunting Task of Translating Elden Ring TRPG

The monumental Elden Ring TRPG presents a formidable challenge for translators. With over 600 pages featuring footnotes, tables, and extensive lore explanations, converting the game into English would be a laborious and costly endeavor. Moreover, finding a translator capable of preserving the original style, localizing the content, and grasping the intricate rules poses an additional hurdle.

Unlike official translations that involve legalities and expenses, fan projects driven by passion and dedication might offer a feasible alternative for bridging the language gap.

Financial Viability of an English Release

Bringing the Elden Ring TRPG to the English market entails substantial expenses, including securing rights, legal consultations, translation costs, and marketing investments. Despite the potential profits, the intricate process and shared revenues with involved parties raise concerns about the venture's financial feasibility. The need for a substantial return on investment to justify production expenses adds to the uncertainty surrounding an English release.

A Glimmer of Hope: Fan Translations

While an official English release faces hurdles, dedicated fans may step in with unofficial translations driven by their love for the game. These projects, driven by passion and familiarity with the source material, could offer a lifeline for English-speaking enthusiasts eagerly awaiting the Elden Ring TRPG's arrival.